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Class ImageProcessingPostProcess






adaptScaleToCurrentViewportSearch playground for adaptScaleToCurrentViewport

adaptScaleToCurrentViewport: boolean

Modify the scale of the post process to be the same as the viewport (default: false)

alphaConstantsSearch playground for alphaConstants

alphaConstants: Color4

Sets the setAlphaBlendConstants of the babylon engine

alphaModeSearch playground for alphaMode

alphaMode: number

Type of alpha mode to use when performing the post process (default: Engine.ALPHA_DISABLE)

alwaysForcePOTSearch playground for alwaysForcePOT

alwaysForcePOT: boolean

Force textures to be a power of two (default: false)

animationsSearch playground for animations

animations: Animation[]

Animations to be used for the post processing

autoClearSearch playground for autoClear

autoClear: boolean

If the buffer needs to be cleared before applying the post process. (default: true) Should be set to false if shader will overwrite all previous pixels.

clearColorSearch playground for clearColor

clearColor: Color4

Clear color to use when screen clearing

enablePixelPerfectModeSearch playground for enablePixelPerfectMode

enablePixelPerfectMode: boolean

Enable Pixel Perfect mode where texture is not scaled to be power of 2. Can only be used on a single postprocess or on the last one of a chain. (default: false)

forceFullscreenViewportSearch playground for forceFullscreenViewport

forceFullscreenViewport: boolean

Force the postprocess to be applied without taking in account viewport

heightSearch playground for height

height: number

Height of the texture to apply the post process on

inspectableCustomPropertiesSearch playground for inspectableCustomProperties

inspectableCustomProperties: IInspectable[]

List of inspectable custom properties (used by the Inspector)



nameSearch playground for name

name: string

Name of the PostProcess.

nodeMaterialSourceSearch playground for nodeMaterialSource

nodeMaterialSource: Nullable<NodeMaterial>

Gets the node material used to create this postprocess (null if the postprocess was manually created)

onActivateObservableSearch playground for onActivateObservable

onActivateObservable: Observable<Camera>

An event triggered when the postprocess is activated.

onAfterRenderObservableSearch playground for onAfterRenderObservable

onAfterRenderObservable: Observable<Effect>

An event triggered after rendering the postprocess

onApplyObservableSearch playground for onApplyObservable

onApplyObservable: Observable<Effect>

An event triggered when the postprocess applies its effect.

onBeforeRenderObservableSearch playground for onBeforeRenderObservable

onBeforeRenderObservable: Observable<Effect>

An event triggered before rendering the postprocess

onSizeChangedObservableSearch playground for onSizeChangedObservable

onSizeChangedObservable: Observable<PostProcess>

An event triggered when the postprocess changes its size.

renderTargetSamplingModeSearch playground for renderTargetSamplingMode

renderTargetSamplingMode: number

Sampling mode used by the shader See https://doc.babylonjs.com/classes/3.1/texture

scaleModeSearch playground for scaleMode

scaleMode: number

Scale mode for the post process (default: Engine.SCALEMODE_FLOOR)

Value Type Description
1 SCALEMODE_FLOOR engine.scalemode_floor
2 SCALEMODE_NEAREST engine.scalemode_nearest
3 SCALEMODE_CEILING engine.scalemode_ceiling

uniqueIdSearch playground for uniqueId

uniqueId: number

Gets or sets the unique id of the post process

widthSearch playground for width

width: number

Width of the texture to apply the post process on



  • get aspectRatio(): number


  • Gets Color curves setup used in the effect if colorCurvesEnabled is set to true .

    Returns Nullable<ColorCurves>

  • Sets Color curves setup used in the effect if colorCurvesEnabled is set to true .


    Returns any


  • get colorCurvesEnabled(): boolean
  • set colorCurvesEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Gets wether the color curves effect is enabled.

    Returns boolean

  • Sets wether the color curves effect is enabled.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any


  • get colorGradingEnabled(): boolean
  • set colorGradingEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Gets wether the color grading effect is enabled.

    Returns boolean

  • Gets wether the color grading effect is enabled.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any


  • Gets Color grading LUT texture used in the effect if colorGradingEnabled is set to true.

    Returns Nullable<BaseTexture>

  • Sets Color grading LUT texture used in the effect if colorGradingEnabled is set to true.


    Returns any


  • get contrast(): number
  • set contrast(value: number): any
  • Gets contrast used in the effect.

    Returns number

  • Sets contrast used in the effect.


    • value: number

    Returns any


  • get exposure(): number
  • set exposure(value: number): any
  • Gets exposure used in the effect.

    Returns number

  • Sets exposure used in the effect.


    • value: number

    Returns any


  • get fromLinearSpace(): boolean
  • set fromLinearSpace(value: boolean): any
  • Gets wether the input of the processing is in Gamma or Linear Space.

    Returns boolean

  • Sets wether the input of the processing is in Gamma or Linear Space.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any


  • Gets the image processing configuration used either in this material.

    If sets to null, the scene one is in use.

    Returns ImageProcessingConfiguration

  • Sets the Default image processing configuration used either in the this material.

    If sets to null, the scene one is in use.


    Returns any


  • The input texture for this post process and the output texture of the previous post process. When added to a pipeline the previous post process will render it's output into this texture and this texture will be used as textureSampler in the fragment shader of this post process.

    Returns InternalTexture

  • The input texture for this post process and the output texture of the previous post process. When added to a pipeline the previous post process will render it's output into this texture and this texture will be used as textureSampler in the fragment shader of this post process.


    Returns any


  • get isSupported(): boolean
  • If the post process is supported.

    Returns boolean



  • set onAfterRender(callback: (efect: Effect) => void): any


  • set onApply(callback: (effect: Effect) => void): any
  • A function that is added to the onApplyObservable


    • callback: (effect: Effect) => void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    Returns any


  • set onBeforeRender(callback: (effect: Effect) => void): any


  • set onSizeChanged(callback: (postProcess: PostProcess) => void): any


  • get samples(): number
  • set samples(n: number): any



  • get toneMappingEnabled(): boolean
  • set toneMappingEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Gets wether tonemapping is enabled or not.

    Returns boolean

  • Sets wether tonemapping is enabled or not


    • value: boolean

    Returns any


  • get toneMappingType(): number
  • set toneMappingType(value: number): any
  • Gets the type of tone mapping effect.

    Returns number

  • Sets the type of tone mapping effect.


    • value: number

    Returns any


  • get vignetteBlendMode(): number
  • set vignetteBlendMode(value: number): any
  • Gets the vignette blend mode allowing different kind of effect.

    Returns number

  • Sets the vignette blend mode allowing different kind of effect.


    • value: number

    Returns any


  • get vignetteCameraFov(): number
  • set vignetteCameraFov(value: number): any
  • Gets Camera field of view used by the Vignette effect.

    Returns number

  • Sets Camera field of view used by the Vignette effect.


    • value: number

    Returns any


  • get vignetteCentreX(): number
  • set vignetteCentreX(value: number): any
  • Gets Vignette centre X Offset.

    Returns number

  • Sets Vignette centre X Offset.


    • value: number

    Returns any


  • get vignetteCentreY(): number
  • set vignetteCentreY(value: number): any
  • Gets Vignette centre Y Offset.

    Returns number

  • Sets Vignette centre Y Offset.


    • value: number

    Returns any


  • get vignetteColor(): Color4
  • set vignetteColor(value: Color4): any
  • Gets Color of the vignette applied on the screen through the chosen blend mode (vignetteBlendMode) if vignetteEnabled is set to true.

    Returns Color4

  • Sets Color of the vignette applied on the screen through the chosen blend mode (vignetteBlendMode) if vignetteEnabled is set to true.


    Returns any


  • get vignetteEnabled(): boolean
  • set vignetteEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Gets wether the vignette effect is enabled.

    Returns boolean

  • Sets wether the vignette effect is enabled.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any


  • get vignetteStretch(): number
  • set vignetteStretch(value: number): any
  • Gets Vignette stretch size.

    Returns number

  • Sets Vignette stretch size.


    • value: number

    Returns any


  • get vignetteWeight(): number
  • set vignetteWeight(value: number): any
  • Gets Vignette weight or intensity of the vignette effect.

    Returns number

  • Sets Vignette weight or intensity of the vignette effect.


    • value: number

    Returns any


activateSearch playground for activate

  • Activates the post process by intializing the textures to be used when executed. Notifies onActivateObservable. When this post process is used in a pipeline, this is call will bind the input texture of this post process to the output of the previous.


    • camera: Nullable<Camera>

      The camera that will be used in the post process. This camera will be used when calling onActivateObservable.

    • Optional sourceTexture: Nullable<InternalTexture>

      The source texture to be inspected to get the width and height if not specified in the post process constructor. (default: null)

    • Optional forceDepthStencil: boolean

      If true, a depth and stencil buffer will be generated. (default: false)

    Returns InternalTexture

    The target texture that was bound to be written to.

applySearch playground for apply

  • Binds all textures and uniforms to the shader, this will be run on every pass.

    Returns Nullable<Effect>

    the effect corresponding to this post process. Null if not compiled or not ready.

disposeSearch playground for dispose

  • dispose(camera?: Camera): void

getCameraSearch playground for getCamera

  • Gets the camera which post process is applied to.

    Returns Camera

    The camera the post process is applied to.

getClassNameSearch playground for getClassName

  • getClassName(): string
  • "ImageProcessingPostProcess"

    Returns string


getEffectSearch playground for getEffect

  • The effect that is created when initializing the post process.

    Returns Effect

    The created effect corresponding the the postprocess.

getEffectNameSearch playground for getEffectName

  • getEffectName(): string
  • Returns the fragment url or shader name used in the post process.

    Returns string

    the fragment url or name in the shader store.

getEngineSearch playground for getEngine

  • Gets the engine which this post process belongs to.

    Returns Engine

    The engine the post process was enabled with.

isReadySearch playground for isReady

  • isReady(): boolean
  • Get a value indicating if the post-process is ready to be used

    Returns boolean

    true if the post-process is ready (shader is compiled)

isReusableSearch playground for isReusable

  • isReusable(): boolean
  • The post process is reusable if it can be used multiple times within one frame.

    Returns boolean

    If the post process is reusable

markTextureDirtySearch playground for markTextureDirty

  • markTextureDirty(): void

restoreDefaultInputTextureSearch playground for restoreDefaultInputTexture

  • restoreDefaultInputTexture(): void
  • Since inputTexture should always be defined, if we previously manually set inputTexture, the only way to unset it is to use this function to restore its internal state

    Returns void

serializeSearch playground for serialize

  • serialize(): any

setPrePassRendererSearch playground for setPrePassRenderer

shareOutputWithSearch playground for shareOutputWith

  • To avoid multiple redundant textures for multiple post process, the output the output texture for this post process can be shared with another.


    • postProcess: PostProcess

      The post process to share the output with.

    Returns PostProcess

    This post process.


  • updateEffect(defines?: Nullable<string>, uniforms?: Nullable<string[]>, samplers?: Nullable<string[]>, indexParameters?: any, onCompiled?: (effect: Effect) => void, onError?: (effect: Effect, errors: string) => void, vertexUrl?: string, fragmentUrl?: string): void

Updates the effect with the current post process compile time values and recompiles the shader.


  • Optional defines: Nullable<string>

    Define statements that should be added at the beginning of the shader. (default: null)

  • Optional uniforms: Nullable<string[]>

    Set of uniform variables that will be passed to the shader. (default: null)

  • Optional samplers: Nullable<string[]>

    Set of Texture2D variables that will be passed to the shader. (default: null)

  • Optional indexParameters: any
    The index parameters to be used for babylons include syntax "#include[0..varyingCount]". (default: undefined) See usage in babylon.blurPostProcess.ts and kernelBlur.vertex.fx
  • Optional onCompiled: (effect: Effect) => void

    Called when the shader has been compiled.

      • Parameters

        Returns void

  • Optional onError: (effect: Effect, errors: string) => void

    Called if there is an error when compiling a shader.

      • (effect: Effect, errors: string): void
      • Parameters

        • effect: Effect
        • errors: string

        Returns void

  • Optional vertexUrl: string

    The url of the vertex shader to be used (default: the one given at construction time)

  • Optional fragmentUrl: string

    The url of the fragment shader to be used (default: the one given at construction time)

  • Returns void

    useOwnOutputSearch playground for useOwnOutput

    • useOwnOutput(): void
    • Reverses the effect of calling shareOutputWith and returns the post process back to its original state. This should be called if the post process that shares output with this post process is disabled/disposed.

      Returns void

    Static ParseSearch playground for Parse

    • Creates a material from parsed material data


      • parsedPostProcess: any

        defines parsed post process data

      • scene: Scene

        defines the hosting scene

      • rootUrl: string

        defines the root URL to use to load textures

      Returns Nullable<PostProcess>

      a new post process


    • Constructor
    • Property
    • Method
    • Accessor
    • Inherited property
    • Inherited method
    • Inherited accessor
    • Property
    • Method
    • Static property
    • Static method