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Class InternalTexture

Class used to store data associated with WebGL texture data for the engine This class should not be used directly


  • InternalTexture




  • Creates a new InternalTexture


    • engine: ThinEngine

      defines the engine to use

    • source: InternalTextureSource

      defines the type of data that will be used

    • Optional delayAllocation: boolean

      if the texture allocation should be delayed (default: false)

    Returns InternalTexture


baseDepthSearch playground for baseDepth

baseDepth: number

Gets the initial depth of the texture (It could be rescaled if the current system does not support non power of two textures)

baseHeightSearch playground for baseHeight

baseHeight: number

Gets the initial height of the texture (It could be rescaled if the current system does not support non power of two textures)

baseWidthSearch playground for baseWidth

baseWidth: number

Gets the initial width of the texture (It could be rescaled if the current system does not support non power of two textures)

depthSearch playground for depth

depth: number

Gets the depth of the texture

formatSearch playground for format

format: number

Gets the format of the texture (RGB, RGBA...)

generateMipMapsSearch playground for generateMipMaps

generateMipMaps: boolean

Gets a boolean indicating if the texture needs mipmaps generation

heightSearch playground for height

height: number

Gets the height of the texture

invertYSearch playground for invertY

invertY: boolean

Gets a boolean indicating if the texture is inverted on Y axis

is2DArraySearch playground for is2DArray

is2DArray: boolean

Defines if the texture contains 2D array data

is3DSearch playground for is3D

is3D: boolean

Defines if the texture contains 3D data

isCubeSearch playground for isCube

isCube: boolean

Defines if the texture is a cube texture

isMultiviewSearch playground for isMultiview

isMultiview: boolean

Defines if the texture contains multiview data

isReadySearch playground for isReady

isReady: boolean

Defines if the texture is ready

onLoadedObservableSearch playground for onLoadedObservable

onLoadedObservable: Observable<InternalTexture>

Observable called when the texture is loaded

samplesSearch playground for samples

samples: number

Gets the number of samples used by the texture (WebGL2+ only)

samplingModeSearch playground for samplingMode

samplingMode: number

Gets the sampling mode of the texture

typeSearch playground for type

type: number

Gets the type of the texture (int, float...)

urlSearch playground for url

url: string

Gets the URL used to load this texture

widthSearch playground for width

width: number

Gets the width of the texture



  • Gets the data source type of the texture

    Returns InternalTextureSource


  • get uniqueId(): number
  • Gets the unique id of the internal texture

    Returns number


disposeSearch playground for dispose

  • dispose(): void
  • Dispose the current allocated resources

    Returns void

getEngineSearch playground for getEngine

  • Gets the Engine the texture belongs to.

    Returns ThinEngine

    The babylon engine

incrementReferencesSearch playground for incrementReferences

  • incrementReferences(): void
  • Increments the number of references (ie. the number of Texture that point to it)

    Returns void

updateSizeSearch playground for updateSize

  • updateSize(width: int, height: int, depth?: int): void
  • Change the size of the texture (not the size of the content)


    • width: int

      defines the new width

    • height: int

      defines the new height

    • Optional depth: int

      defines the new depth (1 by default)

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method