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Class Vector2

Class representing a vector containing 2 coordinates





  • new Vector2(x?: number, y?: number): Vector2
  • Creates a new Vector2 from the given x and y coordinates


    • Optional x: number

      defines the first coordinate

    • Optional y: number

      defines the second coordinate

    Returns Vector2


xSearch playground for x

x: number

defines the first coordinate

ySearch playground for y

y: number

defines the second coordinate


addSearch playground for add

  • Add another vector with the current one


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2 set with the addition of the current Vector2 and the given one coordinates

addInPlaceSearch playground for addInPlace

  • Set the Vector2 coordinates by adding the given Vector2 coordinates


    Returns Vector2

    the current updated Vector2

addToRefSearch playground for addToRef

  • Sets the "result" coordinates with the addition of the current Vector2 and the given one coordinates


    Returns Vector2

    the unmodified current Vector2

addVector3Search playground for addVector3

  • Gets a new Vector2 by adding the current Vector2 coordinates to the given Vector3 x, y coordinates


    • otherVector: Vector3

      defines the other vector

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

asArraySearch playground for asArray

  • asArray(): number[]
  • Copy the current vector to an array

    Returns number[]

    a new array with 2 elements: the Vector2 coordinates.

cloneSearch playground for clone

  • Gets a new Vector2 copied from the Vector2

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

copyFromSearch playground for copyFrom

  • Sets the Vector2 coordinates with the given Vector2 coordinates


    Returns Vector2

    the current updated Vector2

copyFromFloatsSearch playground for copyFromFloats

  • copyFromFloats(x: number, y: number): Vector2
  • Sets the Vector2 coordinates with the given floats


    • x: number

      defines the first coordinate

    • y: number

      defines the second coordinate

    Returns Vector2

    the current updated Vector2

divideSearch playground for divide

  • Returns a new Vector2 set with the Vector2 coordinates divided by the given one coordinates


    • otherVector: Vector2

      defines the other vector

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

divideInPlaceSearch playground for divideInPlace

  • Divides the current Vector2 coordinates by the given ones


    Returns Vector2

    the current updated Vector2

divideToRefSearch playground for divideToRef

  • Sets the "result" coordinates with the Vector2 divided by the given one coordinates


    Returns Vector2

    the unmodified current Vector2

equalsSearch playground for equals

  • Gets a boolean if two vectors are equals


    Returns boolean

    true if the given vector coordinates strictly equal the current Vector2 ones

equalsWithEpsilonSearch playground for equalsWithEpsilon

  • Gets a boolean if two vectors are equals (using an epsilon value)


    • otherVector: DeepImmutable<Vector2>

      defines the other vector

    • Optional epsilon: number

      defines the minimal distance to consider equality

    Returns boolean

    true if the given vector coordinates are close to the current ones by a distance of epsilon.

floorSearch playground for floor

  • Gets a new Vector2 from current Vector2 floored values

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

fractSearch playground for fract

  • Gets a new Vector2 from current Vector2 floored values

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

fromArraySearch playground for fromArray

  • Update the current vector from an array


    • array: FloatArray

      defines the destination array

    • Optional index: number

      defines the offset in the destination array

    Returns Vector2

    the current Vector3

getClassNameSearch playground for getClassName

  • getClassName(): string
  • Gets class name

    Returns string

    the string "Vector2"

getHashCodeSearch playground for getHashCode

  • getHashCode(): number
  • Gets current vector hash code

    Returns number

    the Vector2 hash code as a number

lengthSearch playground for length

  • length(): number
  • Gets the length of the vector

    Returns number

    the vector length (float)

lengthSquaredSearch playground for lengthSquared

  • lengthSquared(): number
  • Gets the vector squared length

    Returns number

    the vector squared length (float)

multiplySearch playground for multiply

  • Returns a new Vector2 set with the multiplication of the current Vector2 and the given one coordinates


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

multiplyByFloatsSearch playground for multiplyByFloats

  • multiplyByFloats(x: number, y: number): Vector2
  • Gets a new Vector2 set with the Vector2 coordinates multiplied by the given floats


    • x: number

      defines the first coordinate

    • y: number

      defines the second coordinate

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

multiplyInPlaceSearch playground for multiplyInPlace

  • Multiplies in place the current Vector2 coordinates by the given ones


    Returns Vector2

    the current updated Vector2

multiplyToRefSearch playground for multiplyToRef

  • Sets "result" coordinates with the multiplication of the current Vector2 and the given one coordinates


    Returns Vector2

    the unmodified current Vector2

negateSearch playground for negate

  • Gets a new Vector2 with current Vector2 negated coordinates

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

negateInPlaceSearch playground for negateInPlace

  • Negate this vector in place

    Returns Vector2


negateToRefSearch playground for negateToRef

  • Negate the current Vector2 and stores the result in the given vector "result" coordinates


    • result: Vector2

      defines the Vector3 object where to store the result

    Returns Vector2

    the current Vector2

normalizeSearch playground for normalize

  • Normalize the vector

    Returns Vector2

    the current updated Vector2

scaleSearch playground for scale

  • Returns a new Vector2 scaled by "scale" from the current Vector2


    • scale: number

      defines the scaling factor

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

scaleAndAddToRefSearch playground for scaleAndAddToRef

  • Scale the current Vector2 values by a factor and add the result to a given Vector2


    • scale: number

      defines the scale factor

    • result: Vector2

      defines the Vector2 object where to store the result

    Returns Vector2

    the unmodified current Vector2

scaleInPlaceSearch playground for scaleInPlace

  • scaleInPlace(scale: number): Vector2
  • Multiply the Vector2 coordinates by scale


    • scale: number

      defines the scaling factor

    Returns Vector2

    the current updated Vector2

scaleToRefSearch playground for scaleToRef

  • Scale the current Vector2 values by a factor to a given Vector2


    • scale: number

      defines the scale factor

    • result: Vector2

      defines the Vector2 object where to store the result

    Returns Vector2

    the unmodified current Vector2

setSearch playground for set

  • set(x: number, y: number): Vector2
  • Sets the Vector2 coordinates with the given floats


    • x: number

      defines the first coordinate

    • y: number

      defines the second coordinate

    Returns Vector2

    the current updated Vector2

subtractSearch playground for subtract

  • Gets a new Vector2 set with the subtracted coordinates of the given one from the current Vector2


    • otherVector: Vector2

      defines the other vector

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

subtractInPlaceSearch playground for subtractInPlace

  • Sets the current Vector2 coordinates by subtracting from it the given one coordinates


    Returns Vector2

    the current updated Vector2

subtractToRefSearch playground for subtractToRef

  • Sets the "result" coordinates with the subtraction of the given one from the current Vector2 coordinates.


    Returns Vector2

    the unmodified current Vector2

toArraySearch playground for toArray

  • Sets the Vector2 coordinates in the given array or Float32Array from the given index.


    • array: FloatArray

      defines the source array

    • Optional index: number

      defines the offset in source array

    Returns Vector2

    the current Vector2

toStringSearch playground for toString

  • toString(): string
  • Gets a string with the Vector2 coordinates

    Returns string

    a string with the Vector2 coordinates

Static CatmullRomSearch playground for CatmullRom

  • Gets a new Vector2 located for "amount" (float) on the CatmullRom spline defined by the given four Vector2


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static CenterSearch playground for Center

  • Gets a new Vector2 located at the center of the vectors "value1" and "value2"


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static CenterToRefSearch playground for CenterToRef

Static ClampSearch playground for Clamp

  • Returns a new Vector2 set with same the coordinates than "value" ones if the vector "value" is in the square defined by "min" and "max". If a coordinate of "value" is lower than "min" coordinates, the returned Vector2 is given this "min" coordinate. If a coordinate of "value" is greater than "max" coordinates, the returned Vector2 is given this "max" coordinate


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static DistanceSearch playground for Distance

  • Gets the distance between the vectors "value1" and "value2"


    Returns number

    the distance between vectors

Static DistanceOfPointFromSegmentSearch playground for DistanceOfPointFromSegment

  • Gets the shortest distance (float) between the point "p" and the segment defined by the two points "segA" and "segB".


    Returns number

    the shortest distance

Static DistanceSquaredSearch playground for DistanceSquared

  • Returns the squared distance between the vectors "value1" and "value2"


    Returns number

    the squared distance between vectors

Static DotSearch playground for Dot

  • Gets the dot product of the vector "left" and the vector "right"


    Returns number

    the dot product (float)

Static FromArraySearch playground for FromArray

  • Gets a new Vector2 set from the given index element of the given array


    • array: DeepImmutable<ArrayLike<number>>

      defines the data source

    • Optional offset: number

      defines the offset in the data source

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static FromArrayToRefSearch playground for FromArrayToRef

  • Sets "result" from the given index element of the given array


    • array: DeepImmutable<ArrayLike<number>>

      defines the data source

    • offset: number

      defines the offset in the data source

    • result: Vector2

      defines the target vector

    Returns void

Static HermiteSearch playground for Hermite

  • Returns a new Vector2 located for "amount" (float) on the Hermite spline defined by the vectors "value1", "value3", "tangent1", "tangent2"


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static LerpSearch playground for Lerp

  • Returns a new Vector2 located for "amount" (float) on the linear interpolation between the vector "start" adn the vector "end".


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static MaximizeSearch playground for Maximize

  • Gets a new Vecto2 set with the maximal coordinate values from the "left" and "right" vectors


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static MinimizeSearch playground for Minimize

  • Gets a new Vector2 set with the minimal coordinate values from the "left" and "right" vectors


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static NormalizeSearch playground for Normalize

  • Returns a new Vector2 equal to the normalized given vector


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static OneSearch playground for One

  • Gets a new Vector2(1, 1)

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static PointInTriangleSearch playground for PointInTriangle

  • Determines if a given vector is included in a triangle


    Returns boolean

    true if the point "p" is in the triangle defined by the vertors "p0", "p1", "p2"

Static TransformSearch playground for Transform

  • Gets a new Vector2 set with the transformed coordinates of the given vector by the given transformation matrix


    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2

Static TransformToRefSearch playground for TransformToRef

  • Transforms the given vector coordinates by the given transformation matrix and stores the result in the vector "result" coordinates


    Returns void

Static ZeroSearch playground for Zero

  • Gets a new Vector2(0, 0)

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method