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Interface IInternalTextureLoader

This represents the required contract to create a new type of texture loader.


  • IInternalTextureLoader

Implemented by



supportCascadesSearch playground for supportCascades

supportCascades: boolean

Defines wether the loader supports cascade loading the different faces.


canLoadSearch playground for canLoad

  • canLoad(extension: string, mimeType?: string): boolean
  • This returns if the loader support the current file information.


    • extension: string

      defines the file extension of the file being loaded

    • Optional mimeType: string

      defines the optional mime type of the file being loaded

    Returns boolean

    true if the loader can load the specified file

loadCubeDataSearch playground for loadCubeData

  • loadCubeData(data: ArrayBufferView | ArrayBufferView[], texture: InternalTexture, createPolynomials: boolean, onLoad: Nullable<(data?: any) => void>, onError: Nullable<(message?: string, exception?: any) => void>, options?: any): void
  • Uploads the cube texture data to the WebGL texture. It has already been bound.


    • data: ArrayBufferView | ArrayBufferView[]

      contains the texture data

    • texture: InternalTexture

      defines the BabylonJS internal texture

    • createPolynomials: boolean

      will be true if polynomials have been requested

    • onLoad: Nullable<(data?: any) => void>

      defines the callback to trigger once the texture is ready

    • onError: Nullable<(message?: string, exception?: any) => void>

      defines the callback to trigger in case of error

    • Optional options: any

      options to be passed to the loader

    Returns void

loadDataSearch playground for loadData

  • loadData(data: ArrayBufferView, texture: InternalTexture, callback: (width: number, height: number, loadMipmap: boolean, isCompressed: boolean, done: () => void, loadFailed?: boolean) => void, options?: any): void
  • Uploads the 2D texture data to the WebGL texture. It has already been bound once in the callback.


    • data: ArrayBufferView

      contains the texture data

    • texture: InternalTexture

      defines the BabylonJS internal texture

    • callback: (width: number, height: number, loadMipmap: boolean, isCompressed: boolean, done: () => void, loadFailed?: boolean) => void

      defines the method to call once ready to upload

        • (width: number, height: number, loadMipmap: boolean, isCompressed: boolean, done: () => void, loadFailed?: boolean): void
        • Parameters

          • width: number
          • height: number
          • loadMipmap: boolean
          • isCompressed: boolean
          • done: () => void
              • (): void
              • Returns void

          • Optional loadFailed: boolean

          Returns void

    • Optional options: any

      options to be passed to the loader

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method