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Class CylinderBuilder

Class containing static functions to help procedurally build meshes


  • CylinderBuilder




Static CreateCylinderSearch playground for CreateCylinder

  • CreateCylinder(name: string, options: { arc?: number; backUVs?: Vector4; cap?: number; diameter?: number; diameterBottom?: number; diameterTop?: number; enclose?: boolean; faceColors?: Color4[]; faceUV?: Vector4[]; frontUVs?: Vector4; hasRings?: boolean; height?: number; sideOrientation?: number; subdivisions?: number; tessellation?: number; updatable?: boolean }, scene: any): Mesh
  • Creates a cylinder or a cone mesh

    • The parameter height sets the height size (float) of the cylinder/cone (float, default 2).
    • The parameter diameter sets the diameter of the top and bottom cap at once (float, default 1).
    • The parameters diameterTop and diameterBottom overwrite the parameter diameter and set respectively the top cap and bottom cap diameter (floats, default 1). The parameter "diameterBottom" can't be zero.
    • The parameter tessellation sets the number of cylinder sides (positive integer, default 24). Set it to 3 to get a prism for instance.
    • The parameter subdivisions sets the number of rings along the cylinder height (positive integer, default 1).
    • The parameter hasRings (boolean, default false) makes the subdivisions independent from each other, so they become different faces.
    • The parameter enclose (boolean, default false) adds two extra faces per subdivision to a sliced cylinder to close it around its height axis.
    • The parameter cap sets the way the cylinder is capped. Possible values : BABYLON.Mesh.NO_CAP, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_START, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_END, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_ALL (default).
    • The parameter arc (float, default 1) is the ratio (max 1) to apply to the circumference to slice the cylinder.
    • You can set different colors and different images to each box side by using the parameters faceColors (an array of n Color3 elements) and faceUV (an array of n Vector4 elements).
    • The value of n is the number of cylinder faces. If the cylinder has only 1 subdivisions, n equals : top face + cylinder surface + bottom face = 3
    • Now, if the cylinder has 5 independent subdivisions (hasRings = true), n equals : top face + 5 stripe surfaces + bottom face = 2 + 5 = 7
    • Finally, if the cylinder has 5 independent subdivisions and is enclose, n equals : top face + 5 x (stripe surface + 2 closing faces) + bottom face = 2 + 5 * 3 = 17
    • Each array (color or UVs) is always ordered the same way : the first element is the bottom cap, the last element is the top cap. The other elements are each a ring surface.
    • If enclose is false, a ring surface is one element.
    • If enclose is true, a ring surface is 3 successive elements in the array : the tubular surface, then the two closing faces.
    • Example how to set colors and textures on a sliced cylinder : https://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/17945-creating-a-closed-slice-of-a-cylinder/#comment-106379
    • You can also set the mesh side orientation with the values : BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE (default), BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE or BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE
    • If you create a double-sided mesh, you can choose what parts of the texture image to crop and stick respectively on the front and the back sides with the parameters frontUVs and backUVs (Vector4). Detail here : https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/discover_basic_elements#side-orientation
    • The mesh can be set to updatable with the boolean parameter updatable (default false) if its internal geometry is supposed to change once created.



    • name: string

      defines the name of the mesh

    • options: { arc?: number; backUVs?: Vector4; cap?: number; diameter?: number; diameterBottom?: number; diameterTop?: number; enclose?: boolean; faceColors?: Color4[]; faceUV?: Vector4[]; frontUVs?: Vector4; hasRings?: boolean; height?: number; sideOrientation?: number; subdivisions?: number; tessellation?: number; updatable?: boolean }

      defines the options used to create the mesh

      • Optional arc?: number
      • Optional backUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional cap?: number
      • Optional diameter?: number
      • Optional diameterBottom?: number
      • Optional diameterTop?: number
      • Optional enclose?: boolean
      • Optional faceColors?: Color4[]
      • Optional faceUV?: Vector4[]
      • Optional frontUVs?: Vector4
      • Optional hasRings?: boolean
      • Optional height?: number
      • Optional sideOrientation?: number
      • Optional subdivisions?: number
      • Optional tessellation?: number
      • Optional updatable?: boolean
    • scene: any

      defines the hosting scene

    Returns Mesh

    the cylinder mesh


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method