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Class Vector4

Vector4 class created for EulerAngle class conversion to Quaternion


  • Vector4




  • new Vector4(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): Vector4
  • Creates a Vector4 object from the given floats.


    • x: number

      x value of the vector

    • y: number

      y value of the vector

    • z: number

      z value of the vector

    • w: number

      w value of the vector

    Returns Vector4


wSearch playground for w

w: number

w value of the vector

xSearch playground for x

x: number

x value of the vector

ySearch playground for y

y: number

y value of the vector

zSearch playground for z

z: number

z value of the vector


addSearch playground for add

  • Returns a new Vector4 as the result of the addition of the current Vector4 and the given one.


    Returns Vector4

    the resulting vector

addInPlaceSearch playground for addInPlace

  • Adds the given vector to the current Vector4.


    Returns Vector4

    the updated Vector4.

addToRefSearch playground for addToRef

  • Updates the given vector "result" with the result of the addition of the current Vector4 and the given one.


    Returns Vector4

    the current Vector4.

asArraySearch playground for asArray

  • asArray(): number[]
  • Returns a new array populated with 4 elements : the Vector4 coordinates.

    Returns number[]

    the resulting array

cloneSearch playground for clone

  • Returns a new Vector4 copied from the current one.

    Returns Vector4

    the new cloned vector

copyFromSearch playground for copyFrom

  • Updates the current Vector4 with the given one coordinates.


    Returns Vector4

    the updated Vector4.

copyFromFloatsSearch playground for copyFromFloats

  • copyFromFloats(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): Vector4
  • Updates the current Vector4 coordinates with the given floats.


    • x: number

      float to copy from

    • y: number

      float to copy from

    • z: number

      float to copy from

    • w: number

      float to copy from

    Returns Vector4

    the updated Vector4.

divideSearch playground for divide

  • Returns a new Vector4 set with the division result of the current Vector4 by the given one.


    Returns Vector4

    resulting new vector

divideInPlaceSearch playground for divideInPlace

  • Divides the current Vector3 coordinates by the given ones.


    Returns Vector4

    the updated Vector3.

divideToRefSearch playground for divideToRef

  • Updates the given vector "result" with the division result of the current Vector4 by the given one.


    Returns Vector4

    the current Vector4.

equalsSearch playground for equals

  • Boolean : True if the current Vector4 coordinates are stricly equal to the given ones.


    Returns boolean

    true if they are equal

equalsToFloatsSearch playground for equalsToFloats

  • equalsToFloats(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): boolean
  • Boolean : True if the given floats are strictly equal to the current Vector4 coordinates.


    • x: number

      x value to compare against

    • y: number

      y value to compare against

    • z: number

      z value to compare against

    • w: number

      w value to compare against

    Returns boolean

    true if equal

equalsWithEpsilonSearch playground for equalsWithEpsilon

  • Boolean : True if the current Vector4 coordinates are each beneath the distance "epsilon" from the given vector ones.


    • otherVector: DeepImmutable<Vector4>

      vector to compare against

    • Optional epsilon: number

      (Default: very small number)

    Returns boolean

    true if they are equal

floorSearch playground for floor

  • Gets a new Vector4 from current Vector4 floored values

    Returns Vector4

    a new Vector4

fractSearch playground for fract

  • Gets a new Vector4 from current Vector3 floored values

    Returns Vector4

    a new Vector4

fromArraySearch playground for fromArray

  • Update the current vector from an array


    • array: FloatArray

      defines the destination array

    • Optional index: number

      defines the offset in the destination array

    Returns Vector4

    the current Vector3

getClassNameSearch playground for getClassName

  • getClassName(): string
  • Returns the string "Vector4".

    Returns string


getHashCodeSearch playground for getHashCode

  • getHashCode(): number
  • Returns the Vector4 hash code.

    Returns number

    a unique hash code

lengthSearch playground for length

  • length(): number
  • Returns the Vector4 length (float).

    Returns number

    the length

lengthSquaredSearch playground for lengthSquared

  • lengthSquared(): number
  • Returns the Vector4 squared length (float).

    Returns number

    the length squared

maximizeInPlaceSearch playground for maximizeInPlace

  • Updates the Vector4 coordinates with the maximum values between its own and the given vector ones


    Returns Vector4

    the current updated Vector4

minimizeInPlaceSearch playground for minimizeInPlace

  • Updates the Vector4 coordinates with the minimum values between its own and the given vector ones


    Returns Vector4

    the current updated Vector4

multiplySearch playground for multiply

  • Returns a new Vector4 set with the multiplication result of the current Vector4 and the given one.


    Returns Vector4

    resulting new vector

multiplyByFloatsSearch playground for multiplyByFloats

  • multiplyByFloats(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): Vector4
  • Returns a new Vector4 set with the multiplication result of the given floats and the current Vector4 coordinates.


    • x: number

      x value multiply with

    • y: number

      y value multiply with

    • z: number

      z value multiply with

    • w: number

      w value multiply with

    Returns Vector4

    resulting new vector

multiplyInPlaceSearch playground for multiplyInPlace

  • Multiplies in place the current Vector4 by the given one.


    • otherVector: Vector4

      vector to multiple with

    Returns Vector4

    the updated Vector4.

multiplyToRefSearch playground for multiplyToRef

  • Updates the given vector "result" with the multiplication result of the current Vector4 and the given one.


    Returns Vector4

    the current Vector4.

negateSearch playground for negate

  • Returns a new Vector4 set with the current Vector4 negated coordinates.

    Returns Vector4

    a new vector with the negated values

negateInPlaceSearch playground for negateInPlace

  • Negate this vector in place

    Returns Vector4


negateToRefSearch playground for negateToRef

  • Negate the current Vector4 and stores the result in the given vector "result" coordinates


    • result: Vector4

      defines the Vector3 object where to store the result

    Returns Vector4

    the current Vector4

normalizeSearch playground for normalize

  • Normalizes in place the Vector4.

    Returns Vector4

    the updated Vector4.

scaleSearch playground for scale

  • Returns a new Vector4 set with the current Vector4 coordinates multiplied by scale (float).


    • scale: number

      the number to scale with

    Returns Vector4

    a new vector with the result

scaleAndAddToRefSearch playground for scaleAndAddToRef

  • Scale the current Vector4 values by a factor and add the result to a given Vector4


    • scale: number

      defines the scale factor

    • result: Vector4

      defines the Vector4 object where to store the result

    Returns Vector4

    the unmodified current Vector4

scaleInPlaceSearch playground for scaleInPlace

  • scaleInPlace(scale: number): Vector4
  • Multiplies the current Vector4 coordinates by scale (float).


    • scale: number

      the number to scale with

    Returns Vector4

    the updated Vector4.

scaleToRefSearch playground for scaleToRef

  • Sets the given vector "result" with the current Vector4 coordinates multiplied by scale (float).


    • scale: number

      the number to scale with

    • result: Vector4

      a vector to store the result in

    Returns Vector4

    the current Vector4.

setSearch playground for set

  • set(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): Vector4
  • Updates the current Vector4 coordinates with the given floats.


    • x: number

      float to set from

    • y: number

      float to set from

    • z: number

      float to set from

    • w: number

      float to set from

    Returns Vector4

    the updated Vector4.

setAllSearch playground for setAll

  • Copies the given float to the current Vector3 coordinates


    • v: number

      defines the x, y, z and w coordinates of the operand

    Returns Vector4

    the current updated Vector3

subtractSearch playground for subtract

  • Returns a new Vector4 with the result of the subtraction of the given vector from the current Vector4.


    Returns Vector4

    the new vector with the result

subtractFromFloatsSearch playground for subtractFromFloats

  • subtractFromFloats(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): Vector4
  • Returns a new Vector4 set with the result of the subtraction of the given floats from the current Vector4 coordinates.


    • x: number

      value to subtract

    • y: number

      value to subtract

    • z: number

      value to subtract

    • w: number

      value to subtract

    Returns Vector4

    new vector containing the result

subtractFromFloatsToRefSearch playground for subtractFromFloatsToRef

  • subtractFromFloatsToRef(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number, result: Vector4): Vector4
  • Sets the given vector "result" set with the result of the subtraction of the given floats from the current Vector4 coordinates.


    • x: number

      value to subtract

    • y: number

      value to subtract

    • z: number

      value to subtract

    • w: number

      value to subtract

    • result: Vector4

      the vector to store the result in

    Returns Vector4

    the current Vector4.

subtractInPlaceSearch playground for subtractInPlace

  • Subtract in place the given vector from the current Vector4.


    Returns Vector4

    the updated Vector4.

subtractToRefSearch playground for subtractToRef

  • Sets the given vector "result" with the result of the subtraction of the given vector from the current Vector4.


    Returns Vector4

    the current Vector4.

toArraySearch playground for toArray

  • Populates the given array from the given index with the Vector4 coordinates.


    • array: FloatArray

      array to populate

    • Optional index: number

      index of the array to start at (default: 0)

    Returns Vector4

    the Vector4.

toStringSearch playground for toString

  • toString(): string
  • Returns the string with the Vector4 coordinates.

    Returns string

    a string containing all the vector values

toVector3Search playground for toVector3

  • Returns a new Vector3 from the Vector4 (x, y, z) coordinates.

    Returns Vector3

    this converted to a new vector3

Static CenterSearch playground for Center

  • Returns a new Vector4 located at the center between the vectors "value1" and "value2".


    Returns Vector4

    the center between the two vectors

Static CenterToRefSearch playground for CenterToRef

Static DistanceSearch playground for Distance

  • Returns the distance (float) between the vectors "value1" and "value2".


    Returns number

    the distance between the two vectors

Static DistanceSquaredSearch playground for DistanceSquared

  • Returns the squared distance (float) between the vectors "value1" and "value2".


    Returns number

    the distance between the two vectors squared

Static FromArraySearch playground for FromArray

  • Returns a new Vector4 set from the starting index of the given array.


    • array: DeepImmutable<ArrayLike<number>>

      the array to pull values from

    • Optional offset: number

      the offset into the array to start at

    Returns Vector4

    the new vector

Static FromArrayToRefSearch playground for FromArrayToRef

  • Updates the given vector "result" from the starting index of the given array.


    • array: DeepImmutable<ArrayLike<number>>

      the array to pull values from

    • offset: number

      the offset into the array to start at

    • result: Vector4

      the vector to store the result in

    Returns void

Static FromFloatArrayToRefSearch playground for FromFloatArrayToRef

  • Updates the given vector "result" from the starting index of the given Float32Array.


    • array: DeepImmutable<Float32Array>

      the array to pull values from

    • offset: number

      the offset into the array to start at

    • result: Vector4

      the vector to store the result in

    Returns void

Static FromFloatsToRefSearch playground for FromFloatsToRef

  • FromFloatsToRef(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number, result: Vector4): void
  • Updates the given vector "result" coordinates from the given floats.


    • x: number

      float to set from

    • y: number

      float to set from

    • z: number

      float to set from

    • w: number

      float to set from

    • result: Vector4

      the vector to the floats in

    Returns void

Static FromVector3Search playground for FromVector3

  • Creates a new Vector4 from a Vector3


    • source: Vector3

      defines the source data

    • Optional w: number

      defines the 4th component (default is 0)

    Returns Vector4

    a new Vector4

Static MaximizeSearch playground for Maximize

  • Returns a vector with the maximum values from the left and right vectors


    Returns Vector4

    a new vector with the maximum of the left and right vector values

Static MinimizeSearch playground for Minimize

  • Returns a vector with the minimum values from the left and right vectors


    Returns Vector4

    a new vector with the minimum of the left and right vector values

Static NormalizeSearch playground for Normalize

  • Returns a new normalized Vector4 from the given one.


    Returns Vector4

    the vector

Static NormalizeToRefSearch playground for NormalizeToRef

  • Updates the given vector "result" from the normalization of the given one.


    Returns void

Static OneSearch playground for One

  • Returns a new Vector4 set to (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

    Returns Vector4

    the new vector

Static TransformNormalSearch playground for TransformNormal

  • Returns a new Vector4 set with the result of the normal transformation by the given matrix of the given vector. This methods computes transformed normalized direction vectors only.


    Returns Vector4

    the new vector

Static TransformNormalFromFloatsToRefSearch playground for TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef

  • TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number, transformation: DeepImmutable<Matrix>, result: Vector4): void
  • Sets the given vector "result" with the result of the normal transformation by the given matrix of the given floats (x, y, z, w). This methods computes transformed normalized direction vectors only.


    • x: number

      value to transform

    • y: number

      value to transform

    • z: number

      value to transform

    • w: number

      value to transform

    • transformation: DeepImmutable<Matrix>

      the transformation matrix to apply

    • result: Vector4

      the vector to store the results in

    Returns void

Static TransformNormalToRefSearch playground for TransformNormalToRef

  • Sets the given vector "result" with the result of the normal transformation by the given matrix of the given vector. This methods computes transformed normalized direction vectors only.


    Returns void

Static ZeroSearch playground for Zero

  • Returns a new Vector4 set to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    Returns Vector4

    the new vector


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method