Using the Default Rendering Pipeline


You can find a complete example of this pipeline in our playground:

Default Rendering Pipeline Example

The default rendering pipeline provides visual improvements to enhance the output of your scene:

  • Antialiasing (MSAA and FXAA)
  • Bloom
  • Chromatic Aberration
  • Depth of field
  • Image processing including:
  • Color curves
  • Color grading
  • Contrast
  • Exposure
  • Tone mapping
  • Vignette effect
  • Glow
  • Grain
  • Sharpening

Creating the rendering pipeline

You just have to create an instance of BABYLON.DefaultRenderingPipeline:

var pipeline = new BABYLON.DefaultRenderingPipeline(
"defaultPipeline", // The name of the pipeline
true, // Do you want the pipeline to use HDR texture?
scene, // The scene instance
[camera] // The list of cameras to be attached to

This will actually create a fullscreen post-process texture.


  1. The HDR value should be true as long as possible, unless you're targetting cheap fallback for low end devices. This value allow one of the half float or float texture type, depending on the GPU. Also, some effects (like bloom) will be more accurate.

  2. When enabling a pipeline, you may notice that your scene clearColor will not match the color you have set. This can be fixed using .toLinearSpace(), as in this Clear Color Fix



The MSAA antialiasing (only supported in webGL 2.0 browsers) effect is off by default (set to 1) but can be increased using:

pipeline.samples = 4;

Your value will be clamped by the maxed values allowed by the hardware (queried from the webgl context).

The FXAA antialiasing effect can be set using:

pipeline.fxaaEnabled = true;

Note: without using the pipeline, your scene already use a MSAA antialiasing, which is webGL native. As said above, pipeline is running on a post-process texture: unfortunatly, webGL 1.0 devices will not be able to apply MSAA outside of render buffers. Still, FXAA is available but not as powerfull as MSAA.


Sharpening can be enabled with:

pipeline.sharpenEnabled = true;

To increase the intensity of the effect modify:

pipeline.sharpen.edgeAmount = 0.9;

The amount of the original image in the output can be set with (setting this to 0 will produce edge detection output):

pipeline.sharpen.colorAmount = 0.0;

Depth of field

You can turn the depth of field effect on and off with:

pipeline.depthOfFieldEnabled = true;

Set the strength of blur with (higher may affect performance):

pipeline.depthOfFieldBlurLevel = BABYLON.DepthOfFieldEffectBlurLevel.Low;

Furthermore, you can control the settings of the effect with the following parameters:

pipeline.depthOfField.focusDistance = 2000; // distance of the current focus point from the camera in millimeters considering 1 scene unit is 1 meter
pipeline.depthOfField.focalLength = 50; // focal length of the camera in millimeters
pipeline.depthOfField.fStop = 1.4; // aka F number of the camera defined in stops as it would be on a physical device
Depth Of Field Example


You can turn the bloom effect on and off with:

pipeline.bloomEnabled = true;

The bloom luminance threshold, impact of the bloom, kernel size and scale can be controlled with the following:

pipeline.bloomThreshold = 0.8;
pipeline.bloomWeight = 0.3;
pipeline.bloomKernel = 64;
pipeline.bloomScale = 0.5;

Image processing effect

You can turn the image processing effect on and off with:

pipeline.imageProcessingEnabled = true;

You can also control individual image processing subeffects. To get more info about the ImageProcessing postprocess, please read the following tutorial.

Chromatic Aberration

You can turn the effect on and off with:

pipeline.chromaticAberrationEnabled = true;

Furthermore, you can control the distance of color channel separation with:

pipeline.chromaticAberration.aberrationAmount = 300;

To modify the strength of the effect based on the distance from the center of the screen:

pipeline.chromaticAberration.radialIntensity = 3;

To modify the direction the aberration the direction can be set:

var rotation = Math.PI;
pipeline.chromaticAberration.direction.x = Math.sin(rotation)
pipeline.chromaticAberration.direction.y = Math.cos(rotation)

Note: If both these values are set to 0 the direction will be towards the center of the screen.


You can turn the effect on and off with:

pipeline.grainEnabled = true;

Furthermore, you can control intensity of the grain with:

pipeline.grain.intensity = 10;

To set grain to animate on every frame set:

pipeline.grain.animated = value;


You may be interested by this code example using default values, ready to be copy-pasted into your application:

var defaultPipeline = new BABYLON.DefaultRenderingPipeline(
true, // is HDR?
if (defaultPipeline.isSupported) {
/* MSAA */
defaultPipeline.samples = 1; // 1 by default
/* imageProcessing */
defaultPipeline.imageProcessingEnabled = true; //true by default
if (defaultPipeline.imageProcessingEnabled) {
defaultPipeline.imageProcessing.contrast = 1; // 1 by default
defaultPipeline.imageProcessing.exposure = 1; // 1 by default
/* color grading */
defaultPipeline.imageProcessing.colorGradingEnabled = false; // false by default
if (defaultPipeline.imageProcessing.colorGradingEnabled) {
// using .3dl (best) :
defaultPipeline.imageProcessing.colorGradingTexture = new BABYLON.ColorGradingTexture("textures/LateSunset.3dl", scene);
// using .png :
var colorGradingTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("textures/colorGrade-highContrast.png", scene, true, false);
colorGradingTexture.wrapU = BABYLON.Texture.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE;
colorGradingTexture.wrapV = BABYLON.Texture.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE;
defaultPipeline.imageProcessing.colorGradingTexture = colorGradingTexture;
defaultPipeline.imageProcessing.colorGradingWithGreenDepth = false;
/* color curves */
defaultPipeline.imageProcessing.colorCurvesEnabled = false; // false by default
if (defaultPipeline.imageProcessing.colorCurvesEnabled) {
var curve = new BABYLON.ColorCurves();
curve.globalDensity = 0; // 0 by default
curve.globalExposure = 0; // 0 by default
curve.globalHue = 30; // 30 by default
curve.globalSaturation = 0; // 0 by default
curve.highlightsDensity = 0; // 0 by default
curve.highlightsExposure = 0; // 0 by default
curve.highlightsHue = 30; // 30 by default
curve.highlightsSaturation = 0; // 0 by default
curve.midtonesDensity = 0; // 0 by default
curve.midtonesExposure = 0; // 0 by default
curve.midtonesHue = 30; // 30 by default
curve.midtonesSaturation = 0; // 0 by default
curve.shadowsDensity = 0; // 0 by default
curve.shadowsExposure = 0; // 0 by default
curve.shadowsHue = 30; // 30 by default
curve.shadowsDensity = 80;
curve.shadowsSaturation = 0; // 0 by default;
defaultPipeline.imageProcessing.colorCurves = curve;
/* bloom */
defaultPipeline.bloomEnabled = false; // false by default
if (defaultPipeline.bloomEnabled) {
defaultPipeline.bloomKernel = 64; // 64 by default
defaultPipeline.bloomScale = 0.5; // 0.5 by default
defaultPipeline.bloomThreshold = 0.9; // 0.9 by default
defaultPipeline.bloomWeight = 0.15; // 0.15 by default
/* chromatic abberation */
defaultPipeline.chromaticAberrationEnabled = false; // false by default
if (defaultPipeline.chromaticAberrationEnabled) {
defaultPipeline.chromaticAberration.aberrationAmount = 30; // 30 by default
defaultPipeline.chromaticAberration.adaptScaleToCurrentViewport = false; // false by default
defaultPipeline.chromaticAberration.alphaMode = 0; // 0 by default
defaultPipeline.chromaticAberration.alwaysForcePOT = false; // false by default
defaultPipeline.chromaticAberration.enablePixelPerfectMode = false; // false by default
defaultPipeline.chromaticAberration.forceFullscreenViewport = true; // true by default
/* DOF */
defaultPipeline.depthOfFieldEnabled = false; // false by default
if (defaultPipeline.depthOfFieldEnabled && defaultPipeline.depthOfField.isSupported) {
defaultPipeline.depthOfFieldBlurLevel = 0; // 0 by default
defaultPipeline.depthOfField.fStop = 1.4; // 1.4 by default
defaultPipeline.depthOfField.focalLength = 50; // 50 by default, mm
defaultPipeline.depthOfField.focusDistance = 2000; // 2000 by default, mm
defaultPipeline.depthOfField.lensSize = 50; // 50 by default
/* FXAA */
defaultPipeline.fxaaEnabled = false; // false by default
if (defaultPipeline.fxaaEnabled) {
defaultPipeline.fxaa.samples = 1; // 1 by default
defaultPipeline.fxaa.adaptScaleToCurrentViewport = false; // false by default
/* glowLayer */
defaultPipeline.glowLayerEnabled = false;
if (defaultPipeline.glowLayerEnabled) {
defaultPipeline.glowLayer.blurKernelSize = 16; // 16 by default
defaultPipeline.glowLayer.intensity = 1; // 1 by default
/* grain */
defaultPipeline.grainEnabled = false;
if (defaultPipeline.grainEnabled) {
defaultPipeline.grain.adaptScaleToCurrentViewport = false; // false by default
defaultPipeline.grain.animated = false; // false by default
defaultPipeline.grain.intensity = 30; // 30 by default
/* sharpen */
defaultPipeline.sharpenEnabled = false;
if (defaultPipeline.sharpenEnabled) {
defaultPipeline.sharpen.adaptScaleToCurrentViewport = false; // false by default
defaultPipeline.sharpen.edgeAmount = 0.3; // 0.3 by default
defaultPipeline.sharpen.colorAmount = 1; // 1 by default

As usual, a playground is available to check out: Default Rendering Pipeline Template Code

Further reading

How To Use Post Processes
Learn how to use post process effect in Babylon.js.