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Interface WebVROptions

Set of options to customize the webVRCamera




Optional controllerMeshesSearch playground for controllerMeshes

controllerMeshes: boolean

Should the native controller meshes be initialized. (default: true)

Optional customVRButtonSearch playground for customVRButton

customVRButton: HTMLButtonElement

If you'd like to provide your own button to the VRHelper. (default: standard babylon vr button)

Optional defaultHeightSearch playground for defaultHeight

defaultHeight: number

To change the default offset from the ground to account for user's height in meters. Will be scaled by positionScale. (default: 1.7)

Optional defaultLightingOnControllersSearch playground for defaultLightingOnControllers

defaultLightingOnControllers: boolean

Creating a default HemiLight only on controllers. (default: true)

Optional displayNameSearch playground for displayName

displayName: string

If there are more than one VRDisplays, this will choose the display matching this name. (default: pick first vrDisplay)

Optional positionScaleSearch playground for positionScale

positionScale: number

Sets the scale of the vrDevice in babylon space. (default: 1)

Optional rayLengthSearch playground for rayLength

rayLength: number

To change the length of the ray for gaze/controllers. Will be scaled by positionScale. (default: 100)

Optional trackPositionSearch playground for trackPosition

trackPosition: boolean

Sets if the webVR camera should be tracked to the vrDevice. (default: true)

Optional useCustomVRButtonSearch playground for useCustomVRButton

useCustomVRButton: boolean

If you don't want to use the default VR button of the helper. (default: false)

Optional useMultiviewSearch playground for useMultiview

useMultiview: boolean

If multiview should be used if availible (default: false)


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method