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Interface ISceneLoaderPluginBase

Interface used to define the base of ISceneLoaderPlugin and ISceneLoaderPluginAsync




extensionsSearch playground for extensions

extensions: string | ISceneLoaderPluginExtensions

The file extensions supported by this plugin.

nameSearch playground for name

name: string

The friendly name of this plugin.


Optional canDirectLoadSearch playground for canDirectLoad

  • canDirectLoad(data: string): boolean
  • The callback that returns true if the data can be directly loaded.


    • data: string

      string containing the file data

    Returns boolean

    if the data can be loaded directly

Optional directLoadSearch playground for directLoad

  • directLoad(scene: Scene, data: string): any
  • The callback that returns the data to pass to the plugin if the data can be directly loaded.


    • scene: Scene

      scene loading this data

    • data: string

      string containing the data

    Returns any

    data to pass to the plugin

Optional readFileSearch playground for readFile

  • The callback called when loading from a file object.


    • scene: Scene

      scene loading this file

    • file: File

      defines the file to load

    • onSuccess: (data: any) => void

      defines the callback to call when data is loaded

        • (data: any): void
        • Parameters

          • data: any

          Returns void

    • Optional onProgress: (ev: ISceneLoaderProgressEvent) => any

      defines the callback to call during loading process

    • Optional useArrayBuffer: boolean

      defines a boolean indicating that data must be returned as an ArrayBuffer

    • Optional onError: (error: any) => void

      defines the callback to call when an error occurs

        • (error: any): void
        • Parameters

          • error: any

          Returns void

    Returns IFileRequest

    a file request object

Optional requestFileSearch playground for requestFile

  • The callback called when loading from a url.


    • scene: Scene

      scene loading this url

    • url: string

      url to load

    • onSuccess: (data: any, request?: WebRequest) => void

      callback called when the file successfully loads

        • Parameters

          Returns void

    • Optional onProgress: (ev: ISceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void

      callback called while file is loading (if the server supports this mode)

    • Optional useArrayBuffer: boolean

      defines a boolean indicating that date must be returned as ArrayBuffer

    • Optional onError: (error: any) => void

      callback called when the file fails to load

        • (error: any): void
        • Parameters

          • error: any

          Returns void

    Returns IFileRequest

    a file request object

Optional rewriteRootURLSearch playground for rewriteRootURL

  • rewriteRootURL(rootUrl: string, responseURL?: string): string
  • The callback that allows custom handling of the root url based on the response url.


    • rootUrl: string

      the original root url

    • Optional responseURL: string

      the response url if available

    Returns string

    the new root url


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method