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Class WebXRHandTracking

WebXR Hand Joint tracking feature, available for selected browsers and devices







disableAutoAttachSearch playground for disableAutoAttach

disableAutoAttach: boolean

Should auto-attach be disabled?

isDisposedSearch playground for isDisposed

isDisposed: boolean

Is this feature disposed?

onHandAddedObservableSearch playground for onHandAddedObservable

onHandAddedObservable: Observable<WebXRHand>

This observable will notify registered observers when a new hand object was added and initialized

onHandRemovedObservableSearch playground for onHandRemovedObservable

onHandRemovedObservable: Observable<WebXRHand>

This observable will notify its observers right before the hand object is disposed

Readonly optionsSearch playground for options

options to use when constructing this feature

xrNativeFeatureNameSearch playground for xrNativeFeatureName

xrNativeFeatureName: string

The name of the native xr feature name (like anchor, hit-test, or hand-tracking)

Static Readonly NameSearch playground for Name

Name: string

The module's name

Static Readonly VersionSearch playground for Version

Version: number

The (Babylon) version of this module. This is an integer representing the implementation version. This number does not correspond to the WebXR specs version



  • get attached(): boolean


attachSearch playground for attach

  • attach(): boolean
  • attach this feature Will usually be called by the features manager

    Returns boolean

    true if successful.

detachSearch playground for detach

  • detach(): boolean
  • detach this feature. Will usually be called by the features manager

    Returns boolean

    true if successful.

disposeSearch playground for dispose

  • dispose(): void

getHandByControllerIdSearch playground for getHandByControllerId

  • Get the hand object according to the controller id


    • controllerId: string

      the controller id to which we want to get the hand

    Returns Nullable<WebXRHand>

    null if not found or the WebXRHand object if found

getHandByHandednessSearch playground for getHandByHandedness

  • Get a hand object according to the requested handedness


    Returns Nullable<WebXRHand>

    null if not found or the WebXRHand object if found

isCompatibleSearch playground for isCompatible

  • isCompatible(): boolean
  • Check if the needed objects are defined. This does not mean that the feature is enabled, but that the objects needed are well defined.

    Returns boolean


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method