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Class WebXREnterExitUIOptions

Options to create the webXR UI


  • WebXREnterExitUIOptions



Optional customButtonsSearch playground for customButtons

customButtons: Array<WebXREnterExitUIButton>

User provided buttons to enable/disable WebXR. The system will provide default if not set

Optional onErrorSearch playground for onError

onError: (error: any) => void

If defined, this function will be executed if the UI encounters an error when entering XR

Type declaration

    • (error: any): void
    • Parameters

      • error: any

      Returns void

Optional optionalFeaturesSearch playground for optionalFeatures

optionalFeatures: string[]

A list of optional features to init the session with

Optional referenceSpaceTypeSearch playground for referenceSpaceType

referenceSpaceType: XRReferenceSpaceType

A reference space type to use when creating the default button. Default is local-floor

Optional renderTargetSearch playground for renderTarget

Context to enter xr with

Optional requiredFeaturesSearch playground for requiredFeatures

requiredFeatures: string[]

A list of optional features to init the session with

Optional sessionModeSearch playground for sessionMode

sessionMode: XRSessionMode

A session mode to use when creating the default button. Default is immersive-vr


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method