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Class StandardRenderingPipeline

Standard rendering pipeline Default pipeline should be used going forward but the standard pipeline will be kept for backwards compatibility.








  • Default pipeline should be used going forward but the standard pipeline will be kept for backwards compatibility.


    • name: string

      The rendering pipeline name

    • scene: Scene

      The scene linked to this pipeline

    • ratio: number

      The size of the postprocesses (0.5 means that your postprocess will have a width = canvas.width 0.5 and a height = canvas.height 0.5)

    • Optional originalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

      the custom original color post-process. Must be "reusable". Can be null.

    • Optional cameras: Camera[]

      The array of cameras that the rendering pipeline will be attached to

    Returns StandardRenderingPipeline


animationsSearch playground for animations

animations: Animation[]

List of animations for the pipeline (IAnimatable implementation)

blurHPostProcessesSearch playground for blurHPostProcesses

blurHPostProcesses: PostProcess[]

Post-process array storing all the horizontal blur post-processes used by the pipeline

blurVPostProcessesSearch playground for blurVPostProcesses

blurVPostProcesses: PostProcess[]

Post-process array storing all the vertical blur post-processes used by the pipeline

blurWidthSearch playground for blurWidth

blurWidth: number

Configures the blur intensity used for surexposed surfaces are highlighted surfaces (light halo)

brightPassPostProcessSearch playground for brightPassPostProcess

brightPassPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to calculate the illuminated surfaces controlled by a threshold

brightThresholdSearch playground for brightThreshold

brightThreshold: number

Represents the brightness threshold in order to configure the illuminated surfaces

depthOfFieldBlurWidthSearch playground for depthOfFieldBlurWidth

depthOfFieldBlurWidth: number

Represents the blur intensity for the blurred part of the depth of field effect

depthOfFieldDistanceSearch playground for depthOfFieldDistance

depthOfFieldDistance: number

Represents the focal length for the depth of field effect

depthOfFieldPostProcessSearch playground for depthOfFieldPostProcess

depthOfFieldPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to create a depth of field effect

downSampleX4PostProcessSearch playground for downSampleX4PostProcess

downSampleX4PostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to down scale an image x4

fxaaPostProcessSearch playground for fxaaPostProcess

fxaaPostProcess: Nullable<FxaaPostProcess>

The Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing post process which attemps to remove aliasing from an image.

hdrDecreaseRateSearch playground for hdrDecreaseRate

hdrDecreaseRate: number

For eye adaptation, represents the decrease luminance speed

hdrFinalPostProcessSearch playground for hdrFinalPostProcess

hdrFinalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to merge the final HDR post-process and the real scene color

hdrIncreaseRateSearch playground for hdrIncreaseRate

hdrIncreaseRate: number

For eye adaptation, represents the increase luminance speed

hdrMinimumLuminanceSearch playground for hdrMinimumLuminance

hdrMinimumLuminance: number

For eye adaptation, represents the minimum luminance the eye can see

hdrPostProcessSearch playground for hdrPostProcess

hdrPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to create a HDR effect (light adaptation)

horizontalBlurSearch playground for horizontalBlur

horizontalBlur: boolean

Sets if the blur for highlighted surfaces must be only horizontal

inspectableCustomPropertiesSearch playground for inspectableCustomProperties

inspectableCustomProperties: IInspectable[]

List of inspectable custom properties (used by the Inspector)



lensColorTextureSearch playground for lensColorTexture

lensColorTexture: Nullable<Texture>

Lens color texture used by the lens flare effect. Mandatory if lens flare effect enabled

lensFlareBlurWidthSearch playground for lensFlareBlurWidth

lensFlareBlurWidth: number

Configures the blur intensity used for for lens flare (halo)

lensFlareComposePostProcessSearch playground for lensFlareComposePostProcess

lensFlareComposePostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process that merges the result of the lens flare post-process and the real scene color

lensFlareDirtTextureSearch playground for lensFlareDirtTexture

lensFlareDirtTexture: Nullable<Texture>

As the "lensTexture" (can be the same texture or different), it is used to apply the lens flare effect by taking account of the dirt texture

lensFlareDistortionStrengthSearch playground for lensFlareDistortionStrength

lensFlareDistortionStrength: number

Based on the lens distortion effect, defines how much the lens flare result is distorted

lensFlareFinalPostProcessSearch playground for lensFlareFinalPostProcess

lensFlareFinalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to store the final lens flare post-process (attach/detach for debug purpose)

lensFlareGhostDispersalSearch playground for lensFlareGhostDispersal

lensFlareGhostDispersal: number

Dispersion coefficient for lens flare ghosts

lensFlareHaloWidthSearch playground for lensFlareHaloWidth

lensFlareHaloWidth: number

Main lens flare halo width

lensFlarePostProcessSearch playground for lensFlarePostProcess

lensFlarePostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to create a lens flare effect

lensFlareStrengthSearch playground for lensFlareStrength

lensFlareStrength: number

The overall strengh for the lens flare effect

lensStarTextureSearch playground for lensStarTexture

lensStarTexture: Nullable<Texture>

Lens star texture must be used to simulate rays on the flares and is available in the documentation

lensTextureSearch playground for lensTexture

lensTexture: Nullable<Texture>

Texture used typically to simulate "dirty" on camera lens

luminanceDownSamplePostProcessesSearch playground for luminanceDownSamplePostProcesses

luminanceDownSamplePostProcesses: PostProcess[]

Post-processes used to create down sample post-processes in order to get the average luminance of the final image for HDR Array of length "StandardRenderingPipeline.LuminanceSteps"

luminancePostProcessSearch playground for luminancePostProcess

luminancePostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Base post-process used to calculate the average luminance of the final image for HDR

motionBlurPostProcessSearch playground for motionBlurPostProcess

motionBlurPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to create a motion blur effect

originalPostProcessSearch playground for originalPostProcess

originalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process which contains the original scene color before the pipeline applies all the effects

screenSpaceReflectionPostProcessSearch playground for screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess

screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess: Nullable<ScreenSpaceReflectionPostProcess>

Post-process used to simulate realtime reflections using the screen space and geometry renderer.

sourceLightSearch playground for sourceLight

Light (spot or directional) used to generate the volumetric lights rays The source light must have a shadow generate so the pipeline can get its depth map

textureAdderFinalPostProcessSearch playground for textureAdderFinalPostProcess

textureAdderFinalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to store the final texture adder post-process (attach/detach for debug purpose)

textureAdderPostProcessSearch playground for textureAdderPostProcess

textureAdderPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to add colors of 2 textures (typically brightness + real scene color)

volumetricLightBlurScaleSearch playground for volumetricLightBlurScale

volumetricLightBlurScale: number

Used the set the blur intensity to smooth the volumetric lights

volumetricLightCoefficientSearch playground for volumetricLightCoefficient

volumetricLightCoefficient: number

Represents the offset coefficient based on Rayleigh principle. Typically in interval [-0.2, 0.2]

volumetricLightFinalPostProcessSearch playground for volumetricLightFinalPostProcess

volumetricLightFinalPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to store the final volumetric light post-process (attach/detach for debug purpose)

volumetricLightMergePostProcesSearch playground for volumetricLightMergePostProces

volumetricLightMergePostProces: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to merge the volumetric light effect and the real scene color

volumetricLightPostProcessSearch playground for volumetricLightPostProcess

volumetricLightPostProcess: Nullable<PostProcess>

Post-process used to create volumetric lighting effect

volumetricLightPowerSearch playground for volumetricLightPower

volumetricLightPower: number

The overall power of volumetric lights, typically in interval [0, 10] maximum

volumetricLightSmoothXPostProcessSearch playground for volumetricLightSmoothXPostProcess

volumetricLightSmoothXPostProcess: Nullable<BlurPostProcess>

Post-process used to smooth the previous volumetric light post-process on the X axis

volumetricLightSmoothYPostProcessSearch playground for volumetricLightSmoothYPostProcess

volumetricLightSmoothYPostProcess: Nullable<BlurPostProcess>

Post-process used to smooth the previous volumetric light post-process on the Y axis

Static LuminanceStepsSearch playground for LuminanceSteps

LuminanceSteps: number

Luminance steps




  • get exposure(): number
  • set exposure(value: number): any
  • Gets the overall exposure used by the pipeline

    Returns number

  • Sets the overall exposure used by the pipeline


    • value: number

    Returns any


  • get fxaaEnabled(): boolean
  • set fxaaEnabled(enabled: boolean): any
  • Specifies if anti-aliasing is enabled

    Returns boolean

  • Specifies if anti-aliasing is enabled


    • enabled: boolean

    Returns any


  • get hdrAutoExposure(): boolean
  • set hdrAutoExposure(value: boolean): any
  • Gets wether or not the exposure of the overall pipeline should be automatically adjusted by the HDR post-process

    Returns boolean

  • Sets wether or not the exposure of the overall pipeline should be automatically adjusted by the HDR post-process


    • value: boolean

    Returns any


  • get isSupported(): boolean


  • get motionBlurSamples(): number
  • set motionBlurSamples(samples: number): any
  • Specifies the number of samples used for the motion blur effect Typically in interval [16, 64]

    Returns number

  • Specifies the number of samples used for the motion blur effect Typically in interval [16, 64]


    • samples: number

    Returns any


  • get motionStrength(): number
  • set motionStrength(strength: number): any
  • Gets how much the image is blurred by the movement while using the motion blur post-process

    Returns number

  • Sets how much the image is blurred by the movement while using the motion blur post-process


    • strength: number

    Returns any


  • get name(): string


  • get objectBasedMotionBlur(): boolean
  • set objectBasedMotionBlur(value: boolean): any
  • Gets wether or not the motion blur post-process is object based or screen based.

    Returns boolean

  • Sets wether or not the motion blur post-process should be object based or screen based


    • value: boolean

    Returns any


  • get samples(): number
  • set samples(sampleCount: number): any
  • Specifies MSAA sample count, setting this to 4 will provide 4x anti aliasing. (default: 1)

    Returns number

  • Specifies MSAA sample count, setting this to 4 will provide 4x anti aliasing. (default: 1)


    • sampleCount: number

    Returns any


  • get screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled(): boolean
  • set screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled(enabled: boolean): any
  • Specifies if screen space reflections are enabled.

    Returns boolean

  • Specifies if screen space reflections are enabled.


    • enabled: boolean

    Returns any


  • get volumetricLightStepsCount(): number
  • set volumetricLightStepsCount(count: number): any
  • Specifies the number of steps used to calculate the volumetric lights Typically in interval [50, 200]

    Returns number

  • Specifies the number of steps used to calculate the volumetric lights Typically in interval [50, 200]


    • count: number

    Returns any


addEffectSearch playground for addEffect

disposeSearch playground for dispose

  • dispose(): void

getClassNameSearch playground for getClassName

  • getClassName(): string

serializeSearch playground for serialize

  • serialize(): any
  • Serialize the rendering pipeline (Used when exporting)

    Returns any

    the serialized object

setPrePassRendererSearch playground for setPrePassRenderer

Static ParseSearch playground for Parse

  • Parse the serialized pipeline


    • source: any

      Source pipeline.

    • scene: Scene

      The scene to load the pipeline to.

    • rootUrl: string

      The URL of the serialized pipeline.

    Returns StandardRenderingPipeline

    An instantiated pipeline from the serialized object.


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method