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Class SmartArrayNoDuplicate<T>

Defines an GC Friendly array where the backfield array do not shrink to prevent over allocations. The data in this array can only be present once

Type parameters

  • T






  • Instantiates a Smart Array.


    • capacity: number

      defines the default capacity of the array.

    Returns SmartArrayNoDuplicate


dataSearch playground for data

data: Array<T>

The full set of data from the array.

lengthSearch playground for length

length: number

The active length of the array.


concatSearch playground for concat

  • concat(array: any): void
  • Concats the active data with a given array.


    • array: any

      defines the data to concatenate with.

    Returns void

concatWithNoDuplicateSearch playground for concatWithNoDuplicate

  • concatWithNoDuplicate(array: any): void
  • Concats the active data with a given array. This ensures no dupplicate will be present in the result.


    • array: any

      defines the data to concatenate with.

    Returns void

containsSearch playground for contains

  • contains(value: T): boolean
  • Returns whether an element is part of the active data.


    • value: T

      defines the value to look for

    Returns boolean

    true if found in the active data otherwise false

disposeSearch playground for dispose

  • dispose(): void
  • Releases all the data from the array as well as the array.

    Returns void

forEachSearch playground for forEach

  • forEach(func: (content: T) => void): void
  • Iterates over the active data and apply the lambda to them.


    • func: (content: T) => void

      defines the action to apply on each value.

        • (content: T): void
        • Parameters

          • content: T

          Returns void

    Returns void

indexOfSearch playground for indexOf

  • indexOf(value: T): number
  • Returns the position of a value in the active data.


    • value: T

      defines the value to find the index for

    Returns number

    the index if found in the active data otherwise -1

pushSearch playground for push

  • push(value: T): void
  • Pushes a value at the end of the active data. THIS DOES NOT PREVENT DUPPLICATE DATA


    • value: T

      defines the object to push in the array.

    Returns void

pushNoDuplicateSearch playground for pushNoDuplicate

  • pushNoDuplicate(value: T): boolean
  • Pushes a value at the end of the active data. If the data is already present, it won t be added again


    • value: T

      defines the object to push in the array.

    Returns boolean

    true if added false if it was already present

resetSearch playground for reset

  • reset(): void
  • Resets the active data to an empty array.

    Returns void

sortSearch playground for sort

  • sort(compareFn: (a: T, b: T) => number): void
  • Sorts the full sets of data.


    • compareFn: (a: T, b: T) => number

      defines the comparison function to apply.

        • (a: T, b: T): number
        • Parameters

          • a: T
          • b: T

          Returns number

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static property
  • Static method