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Class PhysicsVortexEventOptions


  • PhysicsVortexEventOptions



centrifugalForceMultiplierSearch playground for centrifugalForceMultiplier

centrifugalForceMultiplier: number

This multiplier determines with how much force the objects will be pushed sideways/around the vortex, when above the treshold.

centripetalForceMultiplierSearch playground for centripetalForceMultiplier

centripetalForceMultiplier: number

This multiplier determines with how much force the objects will be pushed sideways/around the vortex, when below the treshold.

centripetalForceThresholdSearch playground for centripetalForceThreshold

centripetalForceThreshold: number

At which distance, relative to the radius the centripetal forces should kick in? Range: 0-1

heightSearch playground for height

height: number

The height of the cylinder for the vortex.

radiusSearch playground for radius

radius: number

The radius of the cylinder for the vortex

strengthSearch playground for strength

strength: number

The strenth of the vortex.

updraftForceMultiplierSearch playground for updraftForceMultiplier

updraftForceMultiplier: number

This multiplier determines with how much force the objects will be pushed upwards, when in the vortex.


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method