  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class MaterialFlags

This groups all the flags used to control the materials channel.


  • MaterialFlags



Static AmbientTextureEnabled

  • get AmbientTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set AmbientTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are ambient textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are ambient textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static AnisotropicTextureEnabled

  • get AnisotropicTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set AnisotropicTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are anisotropic textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are anisotropic textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static BumpTextureEnabled

  • get BumpTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set BumpTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are bump textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are bump textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled

  • get ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are clear coat bump textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are clear coat bump textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static ClearCoatTextureEnabled

  • get ClearCoatTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set ClearCoatTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are clear coat textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are clear coat textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled

  • get ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are clear coat tint textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are clear coat tint textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static ColorGradingTextureEnabled

  • get ColorGradingTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set ColorGradingTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are color grading textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are color grading textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static DetailTextureEnabled

  • get DetailTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set DetailTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are detail textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are detail textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static DiffuseTextureEnabled

  • get DiffuseTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set DiffuseTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are diffuse textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are diffuse textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static EmissiveTextureEnabled

  • get EmissiveTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set EmissiveTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are emissive textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are emissive textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static FresnelEnabled

  • get FresnelEnabled(): boolean
  • set FresnelEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are fresnels enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are fresnels enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static LightmapTextureEnabled

  • get LightmapTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set LightmapTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are lightmap textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are lightmap textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static OpacityTextureEnabled

  • get OpacityTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set OpacityTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are opacity textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are opacity textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static ReflectionTextureEnabled

  • get ReflectionTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set ReflectionTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are reflection textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are reflection textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static RefractionTextureEnabled

  • get RefractionTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set RefractionTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are refraction textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are refraction textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static SheenTextureEnabled

  • get SheenTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set SheenTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are sheen textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are sheen textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static SpecularTextureEnabled

  • get SpecularTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set SpecularTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are specular textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are specular textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any

Static ThicknessTextureEnabled

  • get ThicknessTextureEnabled(): boolean
  • set ThicknessTextureEnabled(value: boolean): any
  • Are thickness textures enabled in the application.

    Returns boolean

  • Are thickness textures enabled in the application.


    • value: boolean

    Returns any


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method