  • Public
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  • All

Class MaterialDefines

Manages the defines for the Material


  • MaterialDefines


[id: string]: any

Manages the defines for the Material




  • get isDirty(): boolean
  • Specifies if the material needs to be re-calculated

    Returns boolean


cloneToSearch playground for cloneTo

  • Clones this instance's defines to another instance


    Returns void

isEqualSearch playground for isEqual

  • Specifies if two material defines are equal


    Returns boolean

    • Boolean indicating if the material defines are equal (true) or not (false)

markAllAsDirtySearch playground for markAllAsDirty

  • markAllAsDirty(): void
  • Marks the material to indicate all of its defines need to be re-calculated

    Returns void

markAsAttributesDirtySearch playground for markAsAttributesDirty

  • markAsAttributesDirty(): void
  • Marks the attribute state as changed

    Returns void

markAsFresnelDirtySearch playground for markAsFresnelDirty

  • markAsFresnelDirty(): void
  • Marks the fresnel state as changed

    Returns void

markAsImageProcessingDirtySearch playground for markAsImageProcessingDirty

  • markAsImageProcessingDirty(): void
  • Marks the material to indicate that image processing needs to be re-calculated

    Returns void

markAsLightDirtySearch playground for markAsLightDirty

  • markAsLightDirty(disposed?: boolean): void
  • Marks the material to indicate the lights need to be re-calculated


    • Optional disposed: boolean

      Defines whether the light is dirty due to dispose or not

    Returns void

markAsMiscDirtySearch playground for markAsMiscDirty

  • markAsMiscDirty(): void
  • Marks the misc state as changed

    Returns void

markAsPrePassDirtySearch playground for markAsPrePassDirty

  • markAsPrePassDirty(): void
  • Marks the prepass state as changed

    Returns void

markAsProcessedSearch playground for markAsProcessed

  • markAsProcessed(): void
  • Marks the material to indicate that it has been re-calculated

    Returns void

markAsTexturesDirtySearch playground for markAsTexturesDirty

  • markAsTexturesDirty(): void
  • Marks the texture state as changed

    Returns void

markAsUnprocessedSearch playground for markAsUnprocessed

  • markAsUnprocessed(): void
  • Marks the material to indicate that it needs to be re-calculated

    Returns void

rebuildSearch playground for rebuild

  • rebuild(): void
  • Rebuilds the material defines

    Returns void

resetSearch playground for reset

  • reset(): void
  • Resets the material define values

    Returns void

toStringSearch playground for toString

  • toString(): string
  • Converts the material define values to a string

    Returns string

    • String of material define information


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method