  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class Logger

Logger used througouht the application to allow configuration of the log level required for the messages.


  • Logger



Static Readonly AllLogLevelSearch playground for AllLogLevel

AllLogLevel: number

All logs

Static ErrorSearch playground for Error

Error: (message: string, limit?: number) => void

Write an error message to the console

Type declaration

    • (message: string, limit?: number): void
    • Parameters

      • message: string
      • Optional limit: number

      Returns void

Static Readonly ErrorLogLevelSearch playground for ErrorLogLevel

ErrorLogLevel: number

Only error logs

Static LogSearch playground for Log

Log: (message: string, limit?: number) => void

Log a message to the console

Type declaration

    • (message: string, limit?: number): void
    • Parameters

      • message: string
      • Optional limit: number

      Returns void

Static MessageLimitReachedSearch playground for MessageLimitReached

MessageLimitReached: string

Message to display when a message has been logged too many times

Static Readonly MessageLogLevelSearch playground for MessageLogLevel

MessageLogLevel: number

Only message logs

Static Readonly NoneLogLevelSearch playground for NoneLogLevel

NoneLogLevel: number

No log

Static OnNewCacheEntrySearch playground for OnNewCacheEntry

OnNewCacheEntry: (entry: string) => void

Callback called when a new log is added

Type declaration

    • (entry: string): void
    • Parameters

      • entry: string

      Returns void

Static WarnSearch playground for Warn

Warn: (message: string, limit?: number) => void

Write a warning message to the console

Type declaration

    • (message: string, limit?: number): void
    • Parameters

      • message: string
      • Optional limit: number

      Returns void

Static Readonly WarningLogLevelSearch playground for WarningLogLevel

WarningLogLevel: number

Only warning logs

Static errorsCountSearch playground for errorsCount

errorsCount: number

Gets a value indicating the number of loading errors



Static LogCache

  • get LogCache(): string
  • Gets current log cache (list of logs)

    Returns string

Static LogLevels

  • set LogLevels(level: number): any
  • Sets the current log level (MessageLogLevel / WarningLogLevel / ErrorLogLevel)


    • level: number

    Returns any


Static ClearLogCacheSearch playground for ClearLogCache

  • ClearLogCache(): void
  • Clears the log cache

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method