  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class AbstractActionManager

Abstract class used to decouple action Manager from scene and meshes. Do not instantiate.







actionsSearch playground for actions

actions: IAction[]

Gets the list of actions

hoverCursorSearch playground for hoverCursor

hoverCursor: string

Gets the cursor to use when hovering items

isRecursiveSearch playground for isRecursive

isRecursive: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that the manager is recursive meaning that it can trigger action from children

Static TriggersSearch playground for Triggers

Triggers: {}

Gets the list of active triggers

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: number



  • get hasPickTriggers(): boolean
  • Does this action manager has pick triggers

    Returns boolean


  • get hasPointerTriggers(): boolean
  • Does this action manager has pointer triggers

    Returns boolean

Static HasPickTriggers

  • get HasPickTriggers(): boolean
  • Does exist one action manager with at least one pick trigger

    Returns boolean

Static HasTriggers

  • get HasTriggers(): boolean
  • Does exist one action manager with at least one trigger

    Returns boolean


Abstract disposeSearch playground for dispose

  • dispose(): void
  • Releases all associated resources

    Returns void

Abstract hasSpecificTriggerSearch playground for hasSpecificTrigger

  • hasSpecificTrigger(trigger: number, parameterPredicate?: (parameter: any) => boolean): boolean
  • Does this action manager handles actions of a given trigger


    • trigger: number

      defines the trigger to be tested

    • Optional parameterPredicate: (parameter: any) => boolean

      defines an optional predicate to filter triggers by parameter

        • (parameter: any): boolean
        • Parameters

          • parameter: any

          Returns boolean

    Returns boolean

    whether the trigger is handled

Abstract hasSpecificTriggersSearch playground for hasSpecificTriggers

  • hasSpecificTriggers(triggers: number[]): boolean
  • Does this action manager handles actions of any of the given triggers


    • triggers: number[]

      defines the triggers to be tested

    Returns boolean

    a boolean indicating whether one (or more) of the triggers is handled

Abstract hasSpecificTriggers2Search playground for hasSpecificTriggers2

  • hasSpecificTriggers2(triggerA: number, triggerB: number): boolean
  • Does this action manager handles actions of any of the given triggers. This function takes two arguments for speed.


    • triggerA: number

      defines the trigger to be tested

    • triggerB: number

      defines the trigger to be tested

    Returns boolean

    a boolean indicating whether one (or more) of the triggers is handled

Abstract processTriggerSearch playground for processTrigger

  • Process a specific trigger


    • trigger: number

      defines the trigger to process

    • Optional evt: IActionEvent

      defines the event details to be processed

    Returns void

Abstract registerActionSearch playground for registerAction

  • Registers an action to this action manager


    • action: IAction

      defines the action to be registered

    Returns Nullable<IAction>

    the action amended (prepared) after registration

Abstract serializeSearch playground for serialize

  • serialize(name: string): any
  • Serialize this manager to a JSON object


    • name: string

      defines the property name to store this manager

    Returns any

    a JSON representation of this manager

Abstract unregisterActionSearch playground for unregisterAction

  • unregisterAction(action: IAction): Boolean
  • Unregisters an action to this action manager


    • action: IAction

      defines the action to be unregistered

    Returns Boolean

    a boolean indicating whether the action has been unregistered

Static HasSpecificTriggerSearch playground for HasSpecificTrigger

  • HasSpecificTrigger(trigger: number): boolean
  • Does exist one action manager that handles actions of a given trigger


    • trigger: number

      defines the trigger to be tested

    Returns boolean

    a boolean indicating whether the trigger is handeled by at least one action manager


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method