Extrusion With Sharp Corners

Extrude Shape with Mitred Corners

Neither CreateTube nor ExtrudeShape were designed to handle sharp corners but to perform well over smooth curves. This can be seen by the tube and extruded shapes narrowing at the corner in the following

Bend In TubeBend In Extruded TubeBend in Extruded Shape

Whereas they are very good for smooth curves giving a bend as you would get in a physically bent tube

Slow Bend In TubeSlow Bend In Extruded Shape

The function mitredExtrude allows an extrusion path with sharp corners such as you would get by cutting and forming a mitre join.

Right Angle in Extruded Tube With MitreRight Angle in Extruded Shape

Using Mitre Extrude

The function has the form

var extrude = mitredExtrude("name", options, scene);
optionvaluedefault value
(Vector3[]) array of Vector3 points forming the extrusion path
default value
(Vector3[]) array of Vector3 points (x, y, 0) forming the shape to be extruded in the XY plane
default value
(boolean) true if the first and last points are to be joined to form a closed extrusion
default value

Playground Examples

To form a mitre the bend must take place along a line that is in the plane of one of the extruded faces (ie one formed by the edges of the shape to be extruded) and that line must be perpendicular to the edges of that face. For a closed extrusion to have a proper mitre when joining the first and last point the path for the extrusion must have a series of turns that allows the bend line to meet this requirement. When the requirement is not met the final join will be twisted.

OpenClosed With TwistClosed Meeting Requirements

The Code

var mitredExtrude = function (name, options, scene) {
var shape = options.shape;
var path = options.path;
var closed = options.close || false;
var nbPoints = path.length;
var line = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var nextLine = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var axisX = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var axisY = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var axisZ = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var nextAxisX = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var nextAxisY = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var nextAxisZ = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var startPoint = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var nextStartPoint = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var bisector = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var point = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var prjctZ = 0;
var distance = 0;
var ray;
var allPaths = [];
for (var s = 0; s < shape.length; s++) {
path[1].subtractToRef(path[0], line);
axisZ = line.clone().normalize();
axisX = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(scene.activeCamera.position, axisZ).normalize();
axisY = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(axisZ, axisX);
startPoint = path[0].add(axisX.scale(shape[s].x)).add(axisY.scale(shape[s].y));
var ribbonPath = [startPoint.clone()];
for (var p = 0; p < nbPoints - 2; p++) {
path[p + 2].subtractToRef(path[p + 1], nextLine);
nextAxisZ = nextLine.clone().normalize();
nextAxisX = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(scene.activeCamera.position, nextAxisZ).normalize();
nextAxisY = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(nextAxisZ, nextAxisX);
nextAxisZ.subtractToRef(axisZ, bisector);
planeParallel = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(nextAxisZ, axisZ);
planeNormal = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(planeParallel, bisector);
plane = BABYLON.Plane.FromPositionAndNormal(path[p + 1], planeNormal);
ray = new BABYLON.Ray(startPoint, axisZ);
distance = ray.intersectsPlane(plane);
startPoint.addToRef(axisZ.scale(distance), nextStartPoint);
axisX = nextAxisX.clone();
axisY = nextAxisY.clone();
axisZ = nextAxisZ.clone();
startPoint = nextStartPoint.clone();
// Last Point
if (closed) {
path[0].subtractToRef(path[nbPoints - 1], nextLine);
nextAxisZ = nextLine.clone().normalize();
nextAxisX = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(scene.activeCamera.position, nextAxisZ).normalize();
nextAxisY = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(nextAxisZ, nextAxisX);
nextAxisZ.subtractToRef(axisZ, bisector);
planeParallel = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(nextAxisZ, axisZ);
planeNormal = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(planeParallel, bisector);
plane = BABYLON.Plane.FromPositionAndNormal(path[nbPoints - 1], planeNormal);
ray = new BABYLON.Ray(startPoint, axisZ);
distance = ray.intersectsPlane(plane);
startPoint.addToRef(axisZ.scale(distance), nextStartPoint);
axisX = nextAxisX.clone();
axisY = nextAxisY.clone();
axisZ = nextAxisZ.clone();
startPoint = nextStartPoint.clone();
path[1].subtractToRef(path[0], nextLine);
nextAxisZ = nextLine.clone().normalize();
nextAxisX = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(scene.activeCamera.position, nextAxisZ).normalize();
nextAxisY = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(nextAxisZ, nextAxisX);
nextAxisZ.subtractToRef(axisZ, bisector);
planeParallel = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(nextAxisZ, axisZ);
planeNormal = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(planeParallel, bisector);
plane = BABYLON.Plane.FromPositionAndNormal(path[0], planeNormal);
ray = new BABYLON.Ray(startPoint, axisZ);
distance = ray.intersectsPlane(plane);
startPoint.addToRef(axisZ.scale(distance), nextStartPoint);
} else {
planeNormal = axisZ;
plane = BABYLON.Plane.FromPositionAndNormal(path[nbPoints - 1], planeNormal);
ray = new BABYLON.Ray(startPoint, axisZ);
distance = ray.intersectsPlane(plane);
startPoint.addToRef(axisZ.scale(distance), nextStartPoint);
var ribbon = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateRibbon("ribbon", { pathArray: allPaths, sideOrientation: BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE, closeArray: true, closePath: closed }, scene);
return ribbon;