Babylon.js Editor

Please note that the Babylon.js Editor is a community project maintained mostly by Julien Moreau.

Babylon.JS Editor v4.0 now available

The Babylon.JS Editor v4.0 is available and is open to beta-tests. The Editor v4.0 can be downloaded here:

For new projects, it is highly recommanded to start using the version 4.0 of the Editor as it comes with more powerful tools to help Babylon.JS developers & artists to create awesome 3D games / applications.

Babylon.JS Editor v3

V3 of the editor is now available and comes with new features from the V2. Such as multiple scene managements, improved tools and new tools.

It is highly recommended that you use the desktop app as you'll get access to the local file system to save your projects.

Available features

  • Create, edit and save particle systems
  • Create, edit and save particle system sets
  • Create and edit animations
  • Create and edit lens flares systems
  • Create and edit physics states on meshes
  • Create and edit materials (including materials library)
  • Add and edit sounds
  • Add and edit textures (including render target textures & procedural textures)
  • Save projects on OneDrive / local with Electron
  • Deploy project template on OneDrive / local with Electron
  • Scene graph view
  • Create and edit custom post-process
  • Attach custom scripts (JavaScript and TypeScript) to your objects
  • Test your scenes with debug support

Coming next

Getting Started with the Editor
Getting Started with the Babylon.js Editor, a community project maintained mostly by Julien Moreau.
Babylon.js Editor Workflow Boilerplate
A short guide to the recommended workflow for Babylon.js Editor.
Adding Textures
Babylon.js Editor tool to preview, edit and add textures.
Adding Materials
Babylon.js Editor tool to preview, edit and add materials.
Using The Assets Panel
Babylon.js Editor asset management.
Writing Custom Scripts
Babylon.js Editor tool to write and attach custom scripts to objects in the scene.
Adding Animations
Babylon.js Editor tool to create and edit simple animations.
Using Path Finder
Babylon.js Editor tool to help creating path finders
Creating Prefabs
Babylon.js Editor, in order to optimize and speed up design, allows you to create prefab.
Editing Prefabs
Babylon.js Editor having created a prefab source allows you edit a prefab object and its source.
Using the Particle System Editor
Babylon.js Editor tool to edit custom particle system sets
Using the graph Editor
Babylon.js Editor 'Graph Editor' is used to create custom behaviors for elements in the scene without having to know how to code..
using the Photoshop Extension
Babylon.js Editor extension to connect to the current Photoshop instance opened in our computer and send to the editor the file that is being edited in Photoshop.