Using the SSAO Rendering Pipeline

BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline is a rendering pipeline (chained post-processes) that will compute the ambient occlusion of a given scene from the screen space. You can find an example in our playground:

SSAO Rendering Pipeline Example

The post-processes chain is defined by:

  • Original scene color post-process: saves the original scene color
  • SSAO post-process
  • Horizontal blur post-process
  • Vertical blur post-process
  • Combine post-process: blends the Vertical blur post-process output with the original scene color

Using it is pretty straightforward:

var ssao = new BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline('ssaopipeline', scene, 0.75);

The third argument is the ratio used by SSAO, Horizontal blur and Vertical blur post-processes You can also set an array of Camera as fourth argument, then the constructor will automatically attach the rendering pipeline to the given cameras like:

var ssao = new BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline('ssaopipeline', scene, 0.75, [camera1 etc.]);

If you want to attach manually the rendering pipeline, just use the scene rendering pipeline manager like:

var ssao = new BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline('ssaopipeline', scene, 0.75);
scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.attachCamerasToRenderPipeline("ssaopipeline", cameras);

Warning: To save your performances, you should compute the SSAO/blurH/blurV with a lower ratio than 1.0

If you want to detach and destroy the rendering pipeline, you can just call dispose() method


You can see the SSAO post-process output by detaching the combine post-process like:

scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.disableEffectInPipeline("ssaopipeline", ssao.SSAOCombineRenderEffect, cameras);

Note: SSAO uses the depth map renderer and activates it by default. You can disable the depth map renderer by passing "true" as argument in the dispose() method

For more customization, you can specify the SSAO and Combine post-processes ratios like:

var ssao = new BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline('ssaopipeline', scene, { ssaoRatio: 0.5, combineRatio: 1.0 }, [camera1 etc.]);