Animating Particles

Creating Animated Particles

Here we are talking about the animation of the texture of a particle rather than any movement or the particle itself. This feature uses a similar system to that of sprite animation and was added to Babylon.js v3.1. As for sprite animation it require an uniform spritesheet.

You must set the property isAnimationSheetEnabled as true for animated particles either on or after construction (fourth parameter)

particleSystem = new BABYLON.ParticleSystem("particles", capacity, scene, null, true); // on construction
particleSystem = new BABYLON.ParticleSystem("particles", capacity)
particleSystem.isAnimationSheetEnabled = true; //after construction

As an example we are using the same spritesheet as for the sprite manager section of the documentstion.

This spritesheet is used as the particleTexture

particleSystem.particleTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("textures/player.png", scene, true, false);

In this case the third parameter noMinMaps is set to true and the fourth, invertY to false to read the texture data from top to bottom.

particleSystem.spriteCellHeight = 64;
particleSystem.spriteCellWidth = 64;
particleSystem.startSpriteCellID = 0;
particleSystem.endSpriteCellID = 9;
particleSystem.spriteCellChangeSpeed = 4; // default is one

The spriteCellHeight and spriteCellWidth are are the cell width and height for each sprite in the animation sheet.

We are only going to use the first 10 cells of the spritesheets and so startSpriteCellID is 0 and endSpriteCellID is 9. The top, left most sprite is in cell 0 and you count from left to right from the top row downwards.

Starting with Babylon.js v3.3, you can also use

particleSystem.spriteRandomStartCell = true;

to randomly pick the start cell id of each particles between startSpriteCellID and endSpriteCellID.

To control the speed of animation you can play around with adjusting direction, emitPower and updateSpeed though doing this adjusts thee whole particle animation and not just the sprite animation frame rate.

To adjust the sprite animation frame rate you set the property spriteCellChangeSpeed. A value of 1 matches the animation rate to lifetime of a particle. The particle will be emitted with the sprite at startSpriteCellID and will die displaying the sprite at endSpriteCellID. As values increase above 1 the animation frame rate speeds up. Although the particle will be emitted with the sprite at startSpriteCellID the sprite on display when the particle dies will depend on the value of the speed and the lifetime of the particle.


Adjust emit power and update speed: Adjust Emit Power And Update Speed Cell Change Speed: Cell Change Speed