Importing Assets

The built in file type is .babylon and Babylon.js can load these without a plugin. All other file types require a plugin as described in this section.

Possible file types are gLTF, obj, stl

To help you with imported assets there is a manager for them.

Note: Since meshes you import can have a rotationQuaternion set before applying a rotation set the rotationQuaternion to _null

Coming next

Loading Any File Type
Learn how to import any file type in Babylon.js.
.glTF File Loader Plugin
Learn about the .glTF File Loader Plugin available in Babylon.js.
.stl File Loader Plugin
Learn about the .stl File Loader Plugin available in Babylon.js.
.obj File Loader Plugin
Learn about the .obj File Loader Plugin available in Babylon.js.
Incremental Loading System
Learn about the incremental loading system in Babylon.js.
Create Your Own File Importer
Learn how to create your own file importer for Babylon.js.
Asset Manager
Learn the wonderful world of the Babylon.js asset manager.
Asset Containers
Learn all about using asset containers in Babylon.js.
Progressively Load .glTF Files
Learn about progressively loading .glTF files in Babylon.js.