Contribute To The Documentation

Since the engine is constantly evolving, you may notice some gaps in the documentation. You're going to know how to fix that!

The easy way

Requirements: you just need a Github account.

To update an existing page, just head to

This folder is the root of all static content used by the site itself.

Then pick a page you want to update and select the edit button:

You can now use markdown to edit the documentation page.

Once done, try to quickly explain what your modification is for, and click on the Propose file change button:

For now, your modification isn't yet in the main files. You have to ask to BabylonJS core team to validate and merge your work.

Press Create pull request button:

If needed, modify your comment, and press again Create pull request button:

Congratulations, your modifications are now waiting to be validated and merged into the official documentation!

Do not hesitate to read the Good Practice section.

Deeper Changes

Sometimes, quick edits like above are not sufficient. Indeed, you might want to run the documentation locally on your computer before pushing online, just to be sure nothing is broken.



Start by going to the main BabylonJS Documentation repository and clicking on the Fork button:

This will make a copy of the repository, but on your account.

Click on Clone or download button, and Open in Desktop:

Github Desktop will be opened and ask you where you want to save your fork.

When the files are downloaded, open a command in this repo. It can be done quickly using Github Desktop menu:

(you may have Open in Command rather than Open in PowerShell , that's not a big deal)

You need 'yarn' installed. For further information about yarn you can go to the yarn installation guide.

After installing yarn type yarn install, press enter and wait the operation to be done.

This fork operation has to be done only once. You're now able to run locally the documentation by following the next section.

Running and editing the doc locally


yarn run dev

This will launch the dev server on http://localhost:3000

Open the project using your favorite code editor. This can be done also from Github Desktop:

(you may have Open in Atom rather than Open in Visual Studio , that's not a big deal)

You can finally starting to update the markdown files!

Adding new images

In case you have to create new illustrations, you need to send them on the Github repo into a specific folder: Documentation/public/img/.

So on your local fork, go to this img folder. You can see there are already a lot of folders, so try to use existing folders to put your new images if possible.

Let says you just create a new page, linked on

Here, you can create a my_very_great_page folder into the /img/divingDeeper/ one, and put my-wonderful-image.jpg into it.

Then, on your markdown page, use this link pattern:

![quick description (for accessibility)](/img/divingDeeper/my_very_great_page/my-wonderful-image.jpg)

Of course, try to keep image size as low as you can (while keeping a good visual quality). Our build system will do its best to optimize the image nonetheless.

Adding new pages

Page structure

Now that everything is working well, you may want to add new content. To do so, please open /configuration/structure.json.

This file is a catalog where you can reference new files added to the repo.

The file is a tree of documents, starting from the root page and going to the different sections. Each page can (but not must) have its own children.

For example, let's say we want to add this page. We know that our new page will be in the Diving Deeper/Audio section:

"friendlyName": "Home Page",
"content": "landing_pages/home",
"children": {
/* [...] */
"divingDeeper": {
"friendlyName": "Diving Deeper",
"children": {
/* [...] */
"audio": {
"friendlyName": "Audio",
"children": {
"playingSoundsMusic": { "friendlyName": "Playing Sounds and Music", "children": {}, "content": "How_To/audio/Playing_sounds_and_music" },
// This is the place you will add your document
"content": "landing_pages/divingDeeperAudioLandingPage"
/* [...] */

Just add necessary information about your new page:

/* [...] */
"documentKeyAndUrl": { "friendlyName": "A friendly title to your document", "children": {/* if any, children will contain the rest of the documents */}, "content": "the markdown file that correlates to this document." },
/* [...] */

Notice the object's key. This will be your new page filename (without markdown extension .md):

Page metadata

Each page can (but not must) have a metadata section, that provides further information for this page. This is important if you want the page to be visible when being searched.

The metadata section is a YAML, added to the top of the page:

title: Page title, if you want to override the title from the structure file
image: A link to an image that will be used as this page's image
description: A short description for this page
keywords: comma-separated keywords for this page.
further-reading: A list of links to add at the end of this page. Can be internal or external links
video-overview: A youtube video id to show at the beginning of this page
video-content: a list of videos (youtube or files) to show at the end of the page.

For example, this is a part of the metadata in the node_material page:

title: Node Material
image: /img/pageImages/nodeMaterial.jpg
description: The Node Material is a simple, highly customizable material that you can build yourself piece by piece. Combined with the powerful node-based editor, you can easily create stunning custom GPU shaders and FX for your Babylon.js scenes.
keywords: shaders, glsl, node editor, graphics, GPU program, material, NME, Node Material, Node Material Editor
- title: Dedicated NME Forum Examples
- title: 3 Tips For Getting Started Building Procedural Node Material Shaders
- title: Mesh shattering with baked physics
- title: Fighting Self-Doubt, with Water
- title: Node-Based Procedural Textures
- title: Creating Procedural Node Materials Through Code
- title: Node Material Post Processes
- title: Node Material Editor Particles!!!!
- title: Interactive Hex Tile Series
- title: Unraveling Advanced Anisotropic Reflections

Everything in the metadata is optional and has a different value. However, it is always better to add as much information as possible. This will help people find and use the page. And this is the goal here!

The image provided will be used when sharing this link on sites supporting open graph, such as facebook, medium, twitter and so on. The default image is the babylon logo.

To link to an internal document, use its path from root without adding the domain. For example:

[Post Processes](/divingDeeper/postProcesses/usePostProcesses)

Adding examples

It is always great to provide examples in your documentation page. You can add playgrounds and NME, and they will be added automatically to the page's side menu, if you use the right markdown.

To add a playground, add the following code:

<Playground id="playgroundId" title="Playground title" description="A short description" image="Optional image url" />

The playground ID is the 6-chars id and the version number, if needed. For example: #Y642I8#2.

Same thing does to NME examples:

<nme id="nmeId" title="NME title" description="A short description" />

This can be either inline or in a new line and will automatically add the external and example link.

An image will be generated for each playground without an image, so don't worry about screen-capturing your playground. Please commit those images along with your document!

Adding media (videos and images)

To add a youtube link, use the youtube markdown tag:

<Youtube id="qqMuuSM7GvI"/>

To add an image, you can use the markdown annotation:

![Particle choice](/img/how_to/Materials/particleMenu.png)

but you can also use the more advanced <img/> tag, that has more control over formatting, size and so on. As always, everything is optional, but very nice to have:

<img src="internal link to image" title="Image title" alt="Similar to title" width="300" height="200" caption="Copyright (or any other) caption that will appear under the image"/>

Sending pull request

A Pull Request (PR) has to be made to integrate your modifications into the documentation.

You will first pull your local modifications into your online fork, then ask for merging your fork into the main repo.

In Github Desktop, you will see all of your modifications. Sometimes a file named babylon.d.ts will automatically be modified, but there's no problem to PR with it.

Add an explicit summary into the required field, and click to Commit to master:

Then, click on Push origin button:

And go to your online github repo. You can use Github Desktop for that:

For now, your fork is updated online, having your last modifications.

Click on New pull request button:

If no conflicts, you will be able to follow the same steps as we seen above in the easy way section.

Congratulation again, you're now a documentation master!

Good Practices


  • if you're not familiar with markdown, you can read this short Github guide
  • even if you're seeing just a tiny typo, feel free to do a pull request dedicated to it
  • do one commit per tasks, a pull request can take into account multiple commits if needed
    • example: if you have two pages to modify, once the first page is edited, do a commit
  • tables can be a great help for readability
  • avoid the use of first person
  • pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • when you're not sure about a point, ask for proof-reading


  • use and store images from the documentation FTP as much as possible, read Adding new images
  • be careful about image size (tip: Photoshop has a "Save for the web" export)


  • when showing a JavaScript block of code, inform Markdown that it's JavaScript to ensure syntax highlighting:

  • when quoting a property in a sentence, you can use single ` char (Alt + numpad 96)
    • example: You can set the roughness of a PBR material to 1.
  • use relative links
    • example: [Load Files with Assets Manager](/divingDeeper/developWithBjs/contributeToDocs) instead of [Load Files with Assets Manager](/divingDeeper/developWithBjs/contributeToDocs)

Further Reading

Any articles, urls, docs, links that you'd like the reader to have as reference for a doc page, should go into the further reading section of the metadata at the top of each page.

Further reading

Contribute To The API
Learn how to contribute to the Babylon.js API.