

Animation is what makes your game or app come alive. There are two main ways or producing an animation in BABYLON.js. You can change the properties of an object within a scene during the rendering cycle and we will take a look at that after describing the Animation method.

Coming next

Introduction to Animations
A deeper overview of animation and how to leverage it in Babylon.js.
Designing Animations
A deeper overview of animation and how to leverage it in Babylon.js.
The Animation Method
A description of the animation method and approach in Babylon.js.
Sequencing Animations
Learn how to sequence animations one after another.
Grouping Animations
Learn how to group animations together for easier management.
Combining Animations
Learn how to combine animations together.
Animating Characters
Learn how to animated Mixamo characters with input control.
Advanced Animation Methods
Dive into some deeper animation methods and techniques.
Animation Using the Render Loop
Understand how to animate objects with the scene's render loop.